Am I supposed to love you? ~ Chapter 5

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Zero POV:

'I...I'm sorry..' She was keeping a straight face, I could see her eyes sparkle under the moonlight, they were so beautiful.

'For what?' I quietly asked, not moving my eyes off of hers, As I slowly, pulled my gun away, sliding it back in my jacket, still holding her sweped off of her feet.

'For scaring you.. I didn't mean to.' She smiled weakly, and looked at me, with even more sparkle in her eyes, then I have ever saw in anybodys.

'You didn't scare me.. But I'm a School Guardian. And Here.. Alot of things happen during night. So It's best to keep my eyes open for anything.. I just didn't know you were a part of night class..' I replied to her, trying not to lose my straight face, still staring at her eyes.

'Still.. I understand that, that leads to alot of stress, being on your toes everynight, Makes you a bit jumpy.' She said as she wraped one of her hands around my neck, pulling me a bit down, closer to her, as She moved her head to the side of my head, with her lips near my ear, and whispered 'But, You are a vampire, You don't need alot of rest do you?' I felt a smirk flew by her lips as she moved back, straightening up, and moving a bit away from me.

'How did you....' I imidetly jumped a bit, nobody ever realised I was a vampire that quickly, unless they knew about vampires.

'You smell like one.. But you aren't pure.. Are you?' She looked at me, as I noticed her eyes go down to my lips, and to my neck.

I felt chills run through my spine. 

'How is she giving me this feeling just by looking at me?' I thought.

'Non of your business..' I said as I truned around, trying to avoid eye contact and looking at her.

I heard her sigh 'As you wish.' She replied softly.

'Mh..' I just truned around and Kaname was right there, behind her.

I glared at him, as She looked at me a bit confused not realising he was behind her.

Natsumi POV:

I noticed the tall dreamy guy glaring, but not at me. At someone or something..

I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

I truned around quickly, seeing Kaname behind me.

'What are you doing here?' I said, raising my voice a bit.

I realised, I can't be alone all the time, and Most of the time, Kaname is gonna keep me in his sight, And I can't always talk to this guy.. 

I sighed and looked up at him.

'Is he bothering you, Natsumi?' He said in a slow but angered voice.

'No.. But you are.' I replied, keeping my voice raised.

'Oh.. Well, My appology. I didn't mean to disturb. But Natsumi, You shouldn't be alone at this time of night. Come, I'll walk you back to the dorm.' He said, pressuring my shoulder with his stranght so I trun around.

I couldn't bare the pain of his rough touch, so I truned around, Frowning lightly, As We started walking away.

I noticed the guy trun around and walk away. He didn't even look at me as I truned away. But I kept my look on him. Untill I had to trun my look away, and look forward.

Zero POV:

'That Kaname... Ugh..' I thought to myself as I watched them walk away.

I truned around not trying to look at him take her away.

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