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Please ignore how bad my writing has been right now. I am completely overwhelmed by school and I work every weekend, so I have no time for homework. I also write these chapters in school, so...Also this chapter is going to be a bit longer than some of the others (1701 words)

TW: blood, death, fight scenes, daddy issues, disownment

Kai looked up at Casey with big brown eyes, the fear in pain in them obvious as he crawled backward on his back and elbows. The raw emotion flashed for a moment before being hidden once again by false rage. His mask skirted across the floor, leaving him with sight cuts across the lower half of his face from where the metal had scraped his skin. The roles were once again familiar to their fight on the pier. Kai pressed himself against the wall, unable to stand up without making himself vulnerable. Casey advanced on him, taking into consideration the blood covering him. He wasn't sure if Kai was bleeding from his head wound or if it was the severed man's blood.

Casey heard a shout of pain come from one of his friends. He quickly turned his head to see if any of them were injured. April clutched her hand to her upper arm, a red spot growing on the yellow fabric.

In his moment of distraction, Kai was able to get up from his crouched position and pounce on Casey, knocking him to the floor. Casey yelped in pain as his back hit the hard floor, but immediately went to focus on the fight at hand. He would have to worry about his friend after he got out of this alive.

The two rolled on the ground, almost looking like siblings when they are fighting over the last cookie in the box. Kai had Casey pinned under him for a brief moment, but their momentum caused Casey to flip on top. He had his legs straddling Kai's hips, his hockey stick in both hands as he glared down at Kai. Kai gripped the hockey stick as well, trying to keep it off of him.

"Kai, please jus' listen to me!" Casey shouted. He was going to fight for the boy as if his life depended on it, which it did but he was going to ignore that. "You don' have ta do this!" 

Kai's eyes narrowed to dark slits on his face and he gritted his teeth into a snarl. "I have to do this! This is my family!"

"No," Casey pleaded. "We're your family. We can help you!"

"What can you do for me?" Kai snapped. He struggled under the pressure of the hockey stick slowly getting closer to him as his arms tired out. "Why would you want to help me? You should hate me! I betrayed you!"

"Because I still love you!" Casey said. He flipped the two of them over, Kai now sitting on him as he spoke. Tears pricked in his eyes, but he tried not to let them escape. This wasn't the time to be crying. "I hate wha' ya did, Kai. But I know why ya did it. Ya need to let Shadowman go. It's not who you are!"

"You don't know me!" Kai shouted down at Casey. He pushed the hockey stick closer to his neck with more force. "You don't know what I've been through, what I have done!"

"I know tha' ya are my best friend," Casey responded, with the same amount of force. "I know tha' ya love pizza gyozas with a Dr. Pepper! I know tha' ya like all the bracelets that my sister makes ya! I know that ya are really clumsy and can't skate! I know that ya are actually a softie on the inside who just likes cuddles, but can't admit it! I know tha' ya still love me back!"

Through his speech, Casey got louder and more impassioned, eventually just screaming at him. Kai froze, tears brimming in his eyes. The force lifted off of Casey and the taller boy flipped him over, on top again.

"Whaddya say?" he asked. "Let us help ya?"

Everything in the background seemed to fade away, the sounds of metal weapons clashing together turned into white noise; it was just Casey and Kai left. The only sound was the intermingling of their breaths.

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