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TW: same as last chapter, death, blood, fight scenes, emotional situations (ALL DETAILED)
Also, I know I have said this many times, but please ignore how bad this is written. At this point, I am just trying to get this story finished and out there. I have two other FNAF stories that I am also trying to write at the moment along with another 2012 TMNT one, a ROTTMNT one, a Call Of Duty one and... yeah. Lots of stories. I'm kind of overwhelmed at the moment.
If anyone knows how to send virtual hugs, I could really use one.

Also, if anyone wants one of these stories more than the others, please comment and I will try and work on that one before the others. 

Anywizzle. Please enjoy.

Kai felt his world crash around him. Everything went quiet as those words hit his ears. The words turned to ringing in his ears, drowning out anything that Shredder had said after. His nerves went numb. The only thing he felt was the fear of what his father was going to do to him. He shook as the blade reached towards his neck, the metal shining against the single light in the room. He could sense his father's anger and pent up rage coming off of him in waves. His eyes widened and he looked at everyone around him.

The turtles were frozen, their weapons in midair and their eyes just as wide as Kai's. Tigerclaw's hands trembled on his temperature guns, but he too did not move.

"For his insubordination as a Foot soldier, he will pay the ultimate price," Shredder said.

"Master Shredder!" Tigerclaw shouted in disagreement.

Shredder turned his hateful glare at the mutant tiger. "Are you disagreeing with my judgement, Tigerclaw?" he sneered. "Perhaps you will be next then?"

Tigerclaw was silent for about five seconds, having an internal conflict in his mind. "If you are to enact punishment on your own son, I do not see you fit as my leader," he finally said. "I take any punishment you give me, but I will not be yours to--"

Tigerclaw was suddenly cut off by a ninja star that lodged itself in his throat. Nobody even saw Shredder move to throw the small weapon. A small trickle of blood started leaking out, matting his fur as it trailed down to his blue shirt, staining the fabric. Tigerclaw froze, dropping his guns and reaching his hands up to the wound. His eye went wide as he tried to say something, but began to choke on his blood as it ran down his throat and into his lungs, collecting there.

Tigerclaw suddenly dropped down to his knees. The thud of Tigerclaw's limp body hitting the floor echoed through the building. A crimson puddle spread around the tiger, intermingling with the partially dried blood of the man.

"NO!" Kai shouted. He struggled in Shredder's arms but couldn't go far as the blade was still pressed to his neck. Tears trickled down Kai's face as he watched the creature, who was more of a father to him than his actual father was, take his last, shuddering breath.

Everyone else was caught in silence. That was surprisingly quick. Was that all it took for Shredder to kill his henchmen, a simple act of disagreement? The turtles and the two humans finally realized the dire situation that they were all in. Meanwhile, Kai was busy yelling at the Shredder.

"How could you do that?" he shouted. He tried pulling at his master's arm to try and free himself. It did not work.

"Silence, boy!" Shredder shouted, throwing Kai to the floor. Kai's head hit the floor and began to bleed. Kai yelped as he hit the floor, turning over on his back so that he could scoot away from Shredder. He moved backwards, pushing with his feet to get away. The turtles, Casey, and April moved to help, but the remaining Foot soldiers surrounded them, even if it was somewhat hesitantly.

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