Should I?

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(Kind of) Mention of self harm, bad language, blood warning, abuse mentions

Naruto limped into his kitchen the next morning feeling like shit. He got no sleep after his nightmare and his pain levels haven't gone down much. The strong sent of blood still filled his house, but he has gotten used to the smell years ago.

Naruto put some instant ramen in the microwave and began to cook it. Naruto wasn't going to training today. He couldn't. His physical and mental state were out of it today.

"I'm glad you finally took the day off, kit," Kurama said.

'Yeah. I guess. I'm just out of it today,' Naruto replied.

"I'm working as best as I can. Remember our promise, though," Kurama informed

'Of course,' Naruto responded.

Kurama made Naruto promise that he would never commit suicide. When he was younger, the thought roamed his mind all the time, but now, he just ignores it. Not committing is his way of fighting back. If he can't tell anyone nor hurt them, staying alive is enough to fight back.

Suddenly, Naruto heard the beeping on the microwave as he pulled out his noodles. Naruto blew in the ramen and slowly starting eating it as the ramen was still hot. As he was eating, Naruto heard a knock on his door. Naruto limped over only to be greeted by his team.

Naruto mentally sighed and leaned against the door handle to help his stand. He didn't bother putting him mask of kindness and energy today as he observed his three teammates standing in front of him.

On the right was Sakura Haruno. She had long pink hair, (this is before the chunin exams) green eyes, red sleeveless dress, 12 years old, and was about an inch or two taller then Naruto.

In the middle was Naruto's sensei, Kakashi Hatake. He had grey hair that spiked up, one black eye while the other was hidden behind his shinobi headband, a mask covering his nose and mouth, and is 26 years old.

Finally, on the left stood Naruto rival, Sasuke Uchiha. He had black raven like hair, onyx eyes, a blue shirt with matching white and blue arm warmers, 12 years old, and was about two or three inches taller then Naruto.

Sasuke was adored by every girl, and even some boys in their village. Naruto didn't understand why though. Sure, he was strong, tall, attractive, mysterious, nice on the inside, and the lone survivor of the Uchiha clan, but still; he's not all that.

"Do you need something?" Naruto asked, his mask was weak today. He was too tired to put in much of an effort.

"NARUTO YOUR LATE! HURRY AND GET DRESSED!" Sakura screamed at the blondie. Naruto cursed at her underneath his breath for nobody to hear and responded, "I can't go today," Naruto replied and started to shut his door, when he was stopped by the three plunging their noses.

"Do you guys smell that?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah," Sasuke replied.

"It smells like blood," Sasuke continued.

"It's very strong too," Kakashi added.

"Hehe... anyways I have to go," Naruto replied and shut his door. Unfortunately for him, the three knocked on his door again. Naruto limped over once more, not wanting to make conversation.

"What?" Naruto asked annoyedly.

"Why the fuck do we smell blood," Sasuke asked, getting straight to the point.

"My... um... neighbors were cooking something yesterday," Naruto lied and rubbed the back of his neck. The three wanted to ask more, but knew now was not the time.

"Whatever. Why aren't you going to training?" Sasuke asked curiously.

"Because *cough* *cough* I'm sick," Naruto replied with a straight face (MEAN GIRLS REFERENCE!!!!) and shut his door before the three could talk to him anymore. Outside his door, the three glanced at each other before deciding to leave it alone and start walking back to the training grounds.

'What was up with the dobe? Why was he acting so weird. I'll visit him later today to check up on him. Wait? Why do I care?' Sasuke asked himself. Why did he care? Naruto was his rival after all. So... why?

"Am I the only one that has an off feeling about Naruto?" Sakura asked, breaking the silence that has riden with them since they left his house.

"No," the other two replied sternly.

"Once, he broke his arm and still came to training," Sakura said.

"And now he's gone for a cough? That's not like Naruto," Sasuke added. The other two were a bit surprised that Sasuke paid attention to Naruto that much, but shrugged it off.

"I can't get rid of that blood smell," Sakura informed as she plugged her nose.

"Me neither. He was probably lying about that too," Sasuke added.

"Whatever it is, let's asked him about it tomorrow if he comes," Kakashi suggested as they arrived back at the training grounds.

"Yeah," Sakura agreed.

"Hn," Sasuke said, approving of his idea. Though, in reality, he was going to go visit Naruto earlier then that.


Naruto laid down on his bed after he finished his ramen and hissed in pain.

"Naruto, I know you don't listen to me, but I really think you should tell someone," Kurama suggested.

'Why? So nobody will believe me? So the villagers can hurt others? So the village will be torn apart? No,' Naruto replied harshly.

Kurama sighed and responded, "Kit, I think that if you tell someone, they will listen to you and help you stop getting beaten up."

'First of all, who would I even tell?"

"The hokage, your sensei, and maybe even that Uchiha boy," Kurama replied.

'Why Sasuke?' Naruto asked.

"You two seem to have some sort of connection. You think about him a lot you know," Kurama answered and grinned. Naruto didn't answer as red tinted his cheeks.

"Whatever, you sleep on it. But if these beatings keeps getting out of hand, I'm going to tell someone for you," Kurama threatened and broke off their link to talk.

Naruto sat up in bed and let his thoughts roam freely.

"If your hinting I like him Kurama... your dead wrong," Naruto mumbled quietly as he dug his red cheeks in his knees. 'Besides, who would want to date me? The demon of Konoha,' Naruto asked himself. This thought caused Naruto to grow a pit in his stomach.

Naruto's eyes glanced around his room as they landed on a kunai knife on the top of his dresser. Naruto kept his eyes glued on it as all of his previous thoughts vanished. They were only thinking of one thing,

'...should I?'

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