I Deserve This

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Self harm, broken bones, bad language, blood warning, abuse mentions

Naruto stood up and grabbed the kunai off of the dresser and walked into his bathroom.

"Kit! What are you do-" Naruto cut Kurama off by breaking the link so she couldn't talk to him anymore.

Naruto's hand was shaking extremely bad as he pressed the kunai on top of his wrist. Pain screamed though his arm, but he couldn't care less. He pressed harder, drawing more blood.

Naruto hissed in pain as water filled his eyes. He cut deeper and deeper until the blade almost hit his bone. He then dragged it across his skin causing blood to flow out and into the sink.

Naruto bit his bottom lip in pain as he pulled the kunai off. 'I fucking deserve this,' he thought to himself as he repeated the process again and again on his arm.

His entire sink was covered in his blood as he dropped the kunai on the floor. He began to see black dots in his vision indicating that he was going to pass out soon. Naruto quickly grabbed some bandages as he wrapped his hands shakily.

After a couple of seconds the white bandages were drenched in blood. Naruto started to feel dizzy as he collapsed onto the floor.


Sasuke jumped from building to building trying to make it to Naruto's apartment. He had so many questions for the dobe. Once Sasuke noticed the familiar building, he started to pick up his pace. Something inside of him felt off. Like he had to reach Naruto's apartment. Fast.

Sasuke ran onto of his roof and then jumped down to his window. He knocked on it quickly and peaked inside. Sasuke looked around until he saw it. He froze. His heart dropped. Naruto, his Naruto, was laying on the ground covered in blood.

Sasuke panicked and broke Naruto's window, causing a CRASH sound to echo in the small apartment. Sasuke ran over to him and picked him up bridal style. Sasuke felt his blood drip onto his hands and shirt. He placed Naruto against a wall and ran around looking for bandages.

Sasuke ran into his bathroom and found blood drenched all over his sink and a bloody kunai laying on the floor. 'THE FUCK HAPPENED?!' Sasuke thought in fear. The raven spotted the bandages in a corner and picked them up.

He dashed over to the unconscious boy in a panic and peaked around to find his injuries. Sasuke rolled up Naruto's sleeve to reveal deep cuts all over his body. Sasuke felt tears swirl around his eyes as he took off Naruto's jacket. What Sasuke saw, shook him to the bone.

Naruto's chest was blue and purple, he had bloody bandages covered his arms and stomach, and his wrists... Sasuke couldn't bare to look at his dobe like this. 'No...' Sasuke thought to himself. 'Naruto wouldn't do this to himself. Not the Naruto I know,' He tried to convince himself.

He also noticed something weird about the blonde. He had a black seal across his stomach. Sasuke didn't know why this was there. He had seen Naruto swimming before and he never had this. He snapped out of his thoughts and returned to helping Naruto.

He quickly started wrapping up his new wounds with bandages and then replacing his old ones. Sasuke zipped Naurto's jacket back on and rolled up Naruto's pants to find more bloody bandages. His right leg matched his chest. It was the same blue and purple.

'It must be broken,' Sasuke thought and began to replace the old bandages. Sasuke pulled out his phone (pretend they have phones) and called Kakashi.

"Hello?" The grey haired jonin asked.

"Meet me at the hokage's tower! It's Naruto!" Sasuke yelled in panic and hung up. Then he dialed Sakura.

"No questions. Meet me and Kakashi at the hokage's tower now!" Sasuke yelled and hung up on the pinkette. Sasuke felt a tear roll down his cheek as he picked up Naruto in his arms and ran to the hokage tower.

"You'll be ok," Sasuke comforted the blonde who was still passed out cold in his arms. He felt a stream of blood ran down his arm. Sasuke dashed as fast as he could on top of buildings to make it to the tower. Sasuke got there in a matter of minutes and barged through the hokage's door.

"Who's he-" the hokage was cut off mid sentence as she saw Naruto's condition.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" She screamed as she took the boy from his arms. (Pretended Lady Tsunade was the hokage and not Hiruzen for this fan fic.)

"I'm not sure! I went to his house and found him passed out. I re-wrapped his bandages and called Kakashi and Sakura to meet us here," Sasuke informed. He sounded much calmer then he really is. Lady Tsunade laid Naruto down on her desk and began to heal him. Sasuke played with his fingers anxiously. Suddenly, the two heard a poof as Sakura and Kakashi appeared.

"I picked up Sakura on the way. Why did you ca-" Kakashi froze as he saw Naruto's state. Sakura gasped and put her hands on her mouth.

"I found him like this," Sasuke said.

"What happened!?" Sakura yelled in straight horror.

"We're not sure!" Lady Tsunade answered. She unzipped his jacket and gasped.

"This is worse then we thought," she mumbled quietly to herself.

"He's covered in stab wounds and broken bones. And these don't look fresh. My guess is this happened a day or so ago," Lady Tsunade said calmly, though she was the opposite of that. The realization hit the three like a slap on the back. 'Not my dobe. No way. He would have told someone,' Sasuke thought in denial.

Suddenly, the four heard a groan of pain come from Naruto. Sasuke snapped out of his thoughts and focused on the reawakening blonde.

"Naruto!" Sasuke exclaimed and ran over to his blonde. 'Thank Kami your ok!' Sasuke thought to himself. Naruto's bright blue eyes fluttered open as he looked up at the ceiling. Noticing he wasn't in his house, Naruto placed his hands over his face in protection.

"Get away from me!" He yelled and jumped back. The sudden pain of his broken leg caused him to collapse onto the ground as he jumped back. He looked up and saw his worst nightmare.

His teammates.

This is not a good chapter, I know. I'll revise it later on, but I hope you still enjoyed it <33


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