Character Info and Schedules

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John Egbert
-short messy brown hair
-buck teeth
-he wears long sleeves often now but hated them before
-he wears long jeans often now but hated them before
-he stays inside most of the day and is very antisocial
-he is getting bullied bad everyday at school
-he plays the piano and recently started to cut himself to coop with the bullying
-he stays after school sometimes to play the grand piano

Dave Strider
-ginger hipster hair
-wears shades to hide red eyes
-his favorite shirts are his broken disk and his god tier shirts
-he wears jeans everyday
-he has a bad, dark past with bullies and is strongly against bullying
-he listens to music on a vinal player at home
-he used to cut himself but got help
-he sings and writes songs to coop with stress and everyday life
-he is currently (at the beginning of the story) dating karkat vantas


1)English..........Kankri Vantas
2)history..........Dirk Strider
3)study hall..........Meenah Peixes
4)math..........Psiioniic Captor
5)lunch..........Roxy->cashier & Jane ->chef
6)elective (music room)..........Kurloz and Meulin
7)gym..........Jake English
8)science..........Cronus Ampora

1)English..........Kankri Vantas
2)math..........Psiioniic Captor
3)elective (music room)..........Kurloz and Meulin
4)science..........Cronus Ampora
5)lunch..........Roxy->cashier & Jane ->chef
6)study hall..........Meenah Peixes
7)gym..........Jake English
8)history..........Dirk Strider

AN: hey guys this is kinda an intro to my dave and john and their school schedules. I am going to post chapter one after I type it up but I already have it written. So I shall see you all in my next authors note hopefully! Bye for now!

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