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hey guys sorry i know you probably want a update but im not done the chapter because everything was crazy this week. my older sister turned 18 on Monday and my little brother turned 9 yesterday (anyone want cake? we got a TON literally. ice cream cake and a chocolate cake and its not betty crocker XD) i also thought of a new story idea and i might be writing that too but that is priority like 5 tbh. this summer and going into the school year im going to be doing this program thing and im given time for like homework and my own time so i will be working on my stories then but if im not able to post every week its because i have a decent amount of thing i gotta do every week. the program is starts on Monday the 13 and im there on Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays. there are also days that we will be doing fun things like going to adventure aquarium and other things and that will be on Tuesdays and possibly Saturdays. so as you might guess i have a busy summer. im also in between all of this im going to try to start babysitting for money around my town so i can buy my cosmetology kit in the beginning of the school year. anyways im sorry i wasn't able to post anything this week but i will try asap.

also upcoming info....the next chapters (3-10 about) will be packed with drama also dave and karkat will obviously have to break up and i have a whole plan but i kinda need all of your help. im going to have karkat run into someone and i need to know who do you guys want? please comment or message me who you think but please don't pick John, Dave, Kanaya, Rose, Gamzee, or Tavros. i have nothing against them but they wont work with my idea. please pick a beta kid or troll so its easier for me but imma go now so ily and please tell me who you want poor little kk to run into bye!

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