Lockers and Bullies

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~~John's POV~~

Today started like every other day for me. Tyler came up to me, pushed me up against my locker, and kicks me onto the floor. As usual Tyler and his friends kick me everywhere. The worst part is, I don't feel the pain anymore. I know what they do and I remember how much it hurt but I just can't feel the pain at all any more.

Oh look right on time, the bell meaning the end of this morning. I lay there beatened and bruised until most of the normal hallway traffic stops. Slow and carefully getting up to reach my locker I almost get knocked down by two boys who ran by. After fully standing up I fix my crooked glasses and grab my books, phone, and bag. I started walking to m my first period class, English.

~first period~

"SHUT UP KANKRI!" Karkat yelled as he texted who we could only guess was Dave who sits on the other side of the room. This happens everyday and lucky me I always walk in the class during their argument. I quietly take my seat in between the girls, Rose and Jade, who are two of the very few people I talk to about everything. I also tell Mr. Vantas about...most things.

Mr. Vantas is a nice teacher and one day he asked why I've been coming to class late everyday. It was that day when I told him what was happening.


~~Dave's POV~~

How many people are going to stare at me today? I'm just a normal teenage boy with ginger hair wearing my shades to cover my freak eyes who's listening to my music full blast walking to my first period class. Now, where's John?

"Rose, where's Egderp?"

"I saw him earlier before I came in but I thought he was with you after that."

"Eh, he's probably having trouble with his locker. He'll be here soon."

~~John's POV~~

"Ugh why won't you open!" Yes I'm yelling at my locker. It hates me! I put my combination in correctly and it just won't open!

"Hey dork yelling at his locker." Oh no. Its been a month into the new school year and I'm already bullied bad. I've been late to my first class three whole weeks.

"Yes Tyler?" I already know what's going to happen.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Uhm...half past the time you don't beat me up today..."

"Wrong answer dork." He smiled and clenched his fist and punched me in the eye knocking my glasses off and I can tell its going to leave a mark.

~~Dave's POV~~

Class started 10 minutes ago and John's still not here. Its normal for me to be worried about my best bro right? Wait someone's coming in. John!? What happened? Why does he have a black eye? Did he get beat up and that's why he was late?

~~John's POV~~

Can class go by any slower? Thank god there's only 5 more minutes left. Just keep talking please. I just want to leave. Bell please ri- *ring!* Oh thank god.

"John." Dave called you walking over. I turn around when he's next to me. "What happened?" He asked raising his hand to my eye and I turn my head.

"Its nothing. Don't worry about it" I really wanted to tell Dave about Tyler, but one, he'd overreact and two, right now is not the time. "I got to get to class. Talk later?"

"Sure." He replied and I smiled and walked away with Dave still standing there.

"John, can I talk to you for a second?" Mr. Vantas asked as you were about to walk by.

"Yeah, sure." Please hurry. "What about?"

"Your latenesses," This might be a while... "they are brining your grade down because your missing half of the lesson. I would love to help you if you need anything with any of your classes. Also I feel I should ask you this, are you getting harmed in anyway at home or school?"

"Uhm..." I turn around to see Dave still standing there trying to act like he's not listening when I know he is. "y-yeah..." I hope dave didn't hear that. "I am." I turn to look at Dave and I can tell he did. I don't want him to do anything about it. He'd get hurt.

"Oh..." Mr. Vantas's face dropped. "Is it at school?" All I could do was nod. I was worried Dave would do something stupid. "Is that why you are late most of the time?"

"All the time." I corrected sadly looking down.

"Oh...well I'll help you get your grade up and I won't count you late if you tell me its because of this. Sadly there's not much I can do to help, but I will do what I can. Now I'm sorry for holding you up and you may go."

"Thank you Mr. Vantas." With that I pulled my books into my chest, turned around, and started walking out the door.

"Hey why didn't you tell me?" Dave questioned grabbing my arm as I walked by.

"Tell you what? That I've been getting bullied the whole month we've been in school?!" I looked down at my feet regretting what I just said as he let go of my arm. I feel terrible now for getting mad at him. None of this was his fault. "I-I'm sorry... I gotta get to class. Bye dave..." I left with my head low disappointed with myself. I'm sorry Dave...

*end of flashback*

"John. John!" Rose was snapping her fingers in my face. "Snap out of it."

I blink a few times and look around only seeing a few students left and they were leaving.

"Huh? Where is everybody?" I finally answered.

"They left. Class is over. You were in your own world the whole period." She answered handing me my bag and phone and I stood up taking them.


"Anytime." We started to walk to each of our own next class until she gave me an unexpected hug before leaving to go to her class with her girlfriend Kanaya.

They are really cute together and I'm happy for them. I turned the corner still thinking before I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw who it was. It was Dave.

AN: Hey guys here's my first real first chapter I hope you like it! I honestly like chapter 2 better because it less information and background and more future plans and also Dirk is hilarious! I love it! So again I hope you all like it I'm going to go to sleep now since I've been typing this for about an hour and a half maybe two hours and not to mention its 4 am here right now. XD well please comment and tell me what you think! I was really nervous to post this honestly but I asked my friends on wattpad AradiaXsolluxForever for helping me gaining the confidence to post this and with thinking of a title and also pushing me all the time luv ya kait! and Davestriderislame for telling me that they would read it and said that it sounds really good. And also a shout out to my sister for helping me write and plan some parts of this and for helping me and kait with the title of the story! Luv ya too sis!

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