Chapter 1: Another day, another slay 😝

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The click clack of her heels sent shivers down the mans spine. The man tries to move his head, but the two taller and bigger men force his head back to the front.

The click clack of her heels stop as she stands in front of the blonde man, which he looks up at her. Fear and regret in his green eyes.

The woman's powerful voice cuts through the silence in the air, "Luke, yes?" She asked, knowing who he was.

The man nods, gulping audibly. One of the two men holding him yanks his hair, causing the blonde man to yelp.

"Yes Ma'am!" He squeaks out, which causes her to smirk.

"Not so tough, huh?" She asks, bending down to his level.

He grits his teeth, saying something that could cost him his life-though he would've been killed anyway.

"You think you're tough shit, but all you do is sit and look pretty. Your bodyguards do all the work. The men." He growls, looking at her, the fear and regret still full blown in his eyes.

She chuckles, "Oh, trust me sweetie. The men work for me." She pauses, clenching her jaw. "And I do more than sit on my ass. I do more than you. Because if I didn't, you wouldn't be here right now. Why?" She chuckles, darting her tongue across her bottom lip. "Because you wouldn't have owed me $200,000," she growled.

"Fuck you," the man spits, glaring at her.

"Ha," she chuckled. "You wish."

The man snarls, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Now," she started, playing in the mans blonde hair. "Where is my money?" She asks, tugging at a strand of hair suddenly.

The man gasps, biting his lip to stop the yelp coming out of them.

"Do you have it?" She asks, knowing damn well she doesn't.

The man shakes his head, "N-no Ma'am," he mumbles. "But I'll get it to you next wee-"

The man is cut off by a loud slap. He whimpers, tears swelling up at his eyes, threatening to spill.

"Next week, huh?" She chuckles, "It's always next week. Or perhaps the week after that, right?"

She rolls her eyes, sighing as she walks over to her table.

She grabs her hand gun and aims it at his head.

His eyes widen and he gulps audibly.

"Wait, I promise!" He yells, eyes full of tears, regret and fear.

"Say my name," she whispers, trailing the gun from his head to his forehead, and all across his face.

"Say it!" She yells, hitting him with the gun. He whimpers as he feels the blood start at his head and go to his chin, it then making a small puddle on the floor in front of her.

"I-i don't know your name!" He whispers, looking at the men holding him.

"What's her name!?" He yells, eyes wide with fear.

The men just chuckle, and look away.

"Say it!" She yells again, her jaw clenching.

"What's her name!?" He yells again, tears falling down his freckled face.

"Say it! Say my name!" She growls, hitting him with the gun again.

"What is it!?" He sobs, "What's her na-"

The gun shot forms a silence in the room the 4 people, (a deceased one included).

"Pathetic," she spit, watching the body fall the her feet in front of her.

"Clean this up," she tells the men, which they do immediately, and roll the body in the plastic that was placed on the floor before hand.

She walks out the room, humming her favorite song. Her men walk past her, muttering sorrys as they do.

She smiles proudly, nodding to show she doesn't mind.

The men dump the body in her wearhouse, where they'll have to wait until she says to get rid of it.

As the men come back, she stand up from the couch and smiles.

"We have one more for today, then tomorrow you have a rest day." She says, making the men smile under their mask.

"But don't break my bed," she warns, causing the two men to blush, and one to chuckle.

"Anyway," she starts, turning slightly more serious. "What's the next ones name?" She asked.

"Derek Rossi," he finished, looking up at her. She giggled slightly, before turning serious as she heard a faint knock at her door.

The man, still blushing, looked up quickly, him and the other ready for anything.

"Who is it?" She asked, walking to the door. The men wanted to warn her, but they knew better.

"The names Derek Rossi, Tesoro," the voice said, his accent making her spine shiver. (Sweetheart).

"Ah, Derek," she said, opening the door. "I was just about to come get you," she smiled, looking him up and down.

Derek took her hand, and placed a light kiss. "No need," he said, standing up straight.

"May I come in?" He asked, glaring at her bodyguards with a light smirk on his face.

The slightly taller one growled, about to lunge forward. The slightly smaller one stopped him, giving him a knowing look.

With a sigh, the taller bodyguard returned to his stance, glaring right back at Derek.

With a light chuckle, she nodded. "Why if course," she said, taking a step back.

"My office," she said, walking off.

Derek stood there, a glint of confusion in his eyes.

The taller bodyguard stepped forward, peering down at Derek. With a growl, he patted him down.

Derek bit his lip, but complied. "Is this really necessary?" Derek asked. The taller man finally spoke, "Ja," he said, pushing Derek forward.

With a confused look, Derek turned to the other man. "He said yeah," the other man said, walking to her office.

Derek followed, and couldn't help but gulp as he felt eyes on the back of his eyes.

The taller bodyguard spoke again, and Derek could here the smirk in his voice. "Was machst du überhaupt hier?" He asked, and the shorter bodyguard looked back.

"Asked what you were doing here," said the shorter one, smirking as they arrived. "Well, here we are," he said.

Derek muttered a thanks before stepping into her office.

Hand in hand, the two bodyguards walked away, laughing.

Sitting in her chair, she smirked. "So, Derek," she started. "Why are you really here?"

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