Chapter 1

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Authors p.o.v-

What will happen when you find out that your whole world changed in the blink of eye? what will be your reaction when you come to know that your whole identity changed by an accident?

Lee Y/N, a simple girl, had always thought of life as a steady stream, each day flowing into the next with a sense of familiarity and predictability. But one unexpected moment shattered that illusion, leaving Y/N grappling with the fragments of her identity.

In the blink of an eye, everything shifted for her. The once-familiar world around her suddenly transformed into a maze of uncertainty, leaving her reeling with disbelief and confusion. As the realization dawned that her entire identity had been altered by a single accident, waves of shock and disbelief crashed over her like a relentless tide.

It all started with a dream, or more like a nightmare, which changed and shattered her life completely. But how? How can a nightmare change a person's life so much that her whole existence is at stake? Well, let's find out.

Third person p.o.v-

A beautiful girl was sleeping peacefully in her cozy bed. However, it appeared as though she had been running a marathon due to her sleeping position. A drool of saliva had escaped from her mouth, indicating that she was in a deep sleep. The slight dampness on her pillow was further evidence of her sound slumber. Suddenly, the ringing of her alarm clock woke her up from her peaceful slumber. turning off the alarm she sat on her bed stretching her arms. 

Her hair was tangled like a sparrow's nest. The sweet scent of her room brought a smile to her face. Glancing at the table clock, she realized it was 7:30 in the morning. "Good morning, Y/N," she said to herself, stretching her body. 

That girl was Y/N- you.

Walking towards the washroom, you freshen up and got ready for work, as you work as a nurse in a very reputed hospital.

After getting ready, you headed to your job. you don't earn enough to be called rich, but earn enough to have a comfortable life, which was enough for you. You don't have much friends as you like to be alone.

Upon arriving at the hospital, you immediately began working. After five hours of working straight, you checked your watch and decided to take a short break. You excused yourself and headed towards the cafeteria to grab some coffee and snacks. You placed your order and after waiting for 10 minutes, you received your lunch.

 As you sat down on a bench, someone asked ''can I sit here''. You looked up and recognized the person, feeling annoyed. "No, you can't Joseph," you said, rolling your eyes. 

"Oh, come on, Y/N, don't be like that," Joseph said dramatically on which you couldn't help but cringe.

Joseph is a receptionist in the "The Seoul Hospital" and has a massive crush on you but you never gave a fuck about it. You rejected him so many times politely but he didn't leave you alone and that's why you started to get annoyed by his behavior. Still, Joseph always tries to impress you by giving you flowers chocolate roses, and stuffed toys which you returns to him politely.

You were the kind of girl who always got so many proposals from boys to be their girlfriend but every time you rejected them very politely as you don't want to come into a relationship right now. But Joseph is a kind of guy who keeps hitting on you every time he got the chance to make you his girlfriend and now, you were so sick of him. So Whenever he approach you, it annoys you.

Getting off her table you sat on another but Joseph followed you there too.

''what do you want Joseph'' you said getting annoyed by his behavior.

'' I want you sweetheart'' 

''But I don't want you now get lost please''

Joseph placed his hand dramatically on his heart '' don't be like that y/n my poor heartue can't bear your rudeness'' 

You shook your head and finished your lunch. You were about to go but Joseph stopped you. "Ok, if you don't accept me, then please accept this flower," he said in pleading tone. you were about to decline, but he interrupted you, saying, "Uh uh uh, don't reject this flower, Y/N, because it's too cute to get rejected," 

 You sighed and accepted the flower, then walked away, and Joseph smiled at your behavior.

After finishing your work for the day, you decided to head towards your house. You glanced at your watch and saw that it was already 6:30 in the evening, so you began to walk fast to reach the bus stand. You were worried that you might miss your bus if you didn't hurry. You grabbed your things and reached the bus stand in a hurry.

After reaching home, you quickly went to the washroom to freshen up and get ready to go to the dojo, where you were learning martial arts.

You decided to learn kendo for safety reasons because you lived alone in your apartment. Although your apartment was not in a dangerous area, still you wanted to learn new things and be prepared for any situation.

''Wow Y/N I am surprised that you are getting better day by day even though you get very little time for practice'' The trainer praised you as you kept winning against your every competitor like a pro.

''Ah it's nothing Mr Kim'' you said shrugging your shoulders.

''No I'm serious Y/N you are really getting so much better even though you joined just 11 months ago'' Mr Kim again said praising you while your opponent looked at you with clenched fist and fire in her eyes as she lost against you once again.

''You did a great job too Anna'' Mr Kim said looking at your opponent.

''I don't need your approval'' Anna gritted her teeth and walked away.

''what's wrong with her, she is behaving so weird nowadays'' Mr Kim stated frowning her brows.

''I don't maybe she is just angry because she lost again. but don't worry she will be fine Mr kim'' you said

''I hope so, ok see you tomorrow Y/N'' 

You bowed to him before walking away. You were grabbing your stuff from the locker in the changing room that's when someone spoke from behind.

''You think so highly of yourself. Do you really think that just winning one match makes you better than everyone else''

You turned and saw Anna standing there. ''Even if I do think like that, why is it bothering you, are perhaps jealous of me Anna'' You said with a smirk because it was obvious that Anna was so jealous of your skills. You always defeats Anna in competitive matches and it bothers Anna a lot cause before you joined martial arts classes Anna was the only bright student but after you came she started to get second place as you were very skilled and a fast learner. And it bothered Anna a lot.

''Jealous of you, huh... my foot. who will be jealous of someone whose life is pathetic like yours''

You took a step forward and stated '' yes my life is pathetic because I have to see your ugly face every day''


''Get out of my way i have so many important things to do unlike you'' You walked away from there while Anna stomped her foot in anger.

''You are gonna regret this y/n'' Anna gritted her teeth in anger and walked away.


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Have a nice day buns💜💜💜💜💜💜

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