Chapter 3

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person p.o.v


You bolt upright in bed, a piercing scream tearing from your throat, shattering the silence of the room. Confusion grips you as you struggle to comprehend what just transpired. Frantically, you scan your surroundings, searching for any sign of an intruder, but the room remains eerily empty, devoid of any presence other than your own racing heartbeat.

Your breath comes in ragged gasps, the rhythm disrupted by the adrenaline coursing through your veins. Beads of sweat cascade down your skin, drenching your clothes despite the cool comfort of the air conditioning. Every nerve in your body tingles with a primal fear, leaving you trembling in terror.

With shaky hands, you clutch your head, feeling like it might burst at any moment. Grasping the glass of water by your bedside, you take a few small sips, trying to calm your nerves. 

As the cool liquid soothes your throat, you begin to feel the tension slowly melt away. Closing your eyes, you focus on your breathing, willing yourself to relax as the pounding in your head gradually subsides. After a few moments, you set the glass back down, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as you start to regain your composure.

You're left baffled by the strange dream. "That....... Wha.. what the hell was that?"

 You stuttered, puzzled by the unfamiliar girl who appeared in it. It's odd; usually, dreams draw from your own experiences, yet she's a complete stranger. You've never seen her before, not even once. The dream's weirdness leaves you feeling uneasy, but dwelling on it won't solve anything.

''Damn it.... it... it felt so real that I felt like I was going to get...get hit by the car. but how could I dream about someone whom I don't even know?...... who.. who was that girl?....... Is it because I have been too tired lately..... Or it was some kind of warning?......... is something bad going to happen to me just like that shitty dream..... Damn I need to be so careful today''

You placed the glass on the bedside table and rose from your bed, greeted by the morning light peeking through the curtains. After freshening up, you got ready for work and locked your apartment door before heading to the bus stand.

Throughout the day, the troubling dream lingered in your mind, making it hard to focus on your work which didn't go unnoticed by Joseph.

''What's wrong Y/N, you are looking so disturbed today'' 

''Nothing'' You smiled at his concerned tone. 

" You really think I will believe in your lie. I can tell something's up; you're wandering around like a confused GPS. Did someone poke the bear? Just whisper their name, and I'll organize a tooth-breaking ceremony. I'm gonna break  all of his teeth leaving him toothless''

 ''You couldn't help but smile at his cheesy behavior ''It's really nothing it's just I'm feeling tired today''

''Oh then you should take a half day off and get some rest'' 

''I will'' You smiled and walked away.


And just like that five months went by without anything out of the ordinary happening, and soon enough, you forgot all about the strange dream. You figured it was probably just a result of watching too many Hollywood movies lately.

You were standing on the bus stand waiting for your ride to dojo classes when your attention was drawn by the giggles of children. you look in that direction and see a boy and girl of age around 5 years old playing and giggling.

They looked so happy so carefree from this world's problems. Their innocent talks brought a smile to your face. Suddenly a past memory hit your mind erasing the smile from your face.


A little boy was playing with 6-year-old you both were laughing, running, and having the best time of their life.

''Look Y/Nie I made a ring for you'' the little boy chrriped happily showing the ring which he made by using grass.

''Wow this is so beautiful is it really for me'' your eyes sparkled seeing the ring while the little boy nodded his head so many times cutely.

"Now we're married and will live happily ever after," declared the little boy with his bunny smile, sliding the grass ring onto her finger. "Nothing can ever tear us apart."

You couldn't help but chuckle, shaking your head gently. "Oh, you silly goose, that's not quite how it works. We need fancy clothes, guests, a priest, and then we exchange rings for a real wedding, " you explained, counting all these things on your little fingers.

"Okay, okay, when we're all grown up, I promise we'll have a big wedding with all those things," the boy replied eagerly.


''I promise'' the boy said pinching your chubby cheeks while you smiled.


Tears welled up in your eyes as memories of the past flooded in your mind. "You liar... you cheater... you deceiver... I hate you" you whispered bitterly, your voice choked with emotion. A single tear escaped your eye, trailing down your cheek.

Harshly brushing away the tear, you refocused your gaze on the road ahead. Suddenly, your heart skipped a beat as you spotted the little boy from earlier playing right in the middle of the road. With a gasp, you glanced towards his mother, who was engrossed in conversation with someone, oblivious to her child's perilous situation. Even though there wasn't much traffic on the road but still, it was dangerous.

As you approached the boy, you crouched down to his eye level. "Hey, Playing in the middle of the road is really dangerous, buddy, you know that"

His innocent gaze met yours, and he nodded in understanding. "Okay, let's go to your mom, alright?" you suggested, offering him a reassuring smile. With a nod of agreement, you took his hand and began leading him towards where his mother stood, engrossed in conversation.

 Suddenly, the blaring horn of an oncoming car shattered the air, and your heart lurched in panic as you spotted a car hurtling toward you at an alarming speed. You pick up the kid and fasten your pace but before you can cross the road you notice that the car is just a few feet away from you.

 You had no choice but to push the kid to the safe side otherwise, you both would get hit by the car. The kid landed on another side of the road safely, he got just a few scratches. Before you could even react, the car slammed into you at full speed, sending you flying and rolling across the road. Soon the area where you were lying turn into pool of blood.

''Someone call the ambulance'' someone shouted from the crowd seeing the horrible view. The crowd started to gather around you. As your head spun as you felt the immense pain in your whole body and, voices faded into the distance. A warm liquid trickled down from your head and other parts of your body, signaling injury.

As your vision blurred, thoughts raced through your mind. "Is this how it ends?... No, I don't accept this god .... you've snatched everything from me and I never complained, but please, not my life. I'm not ready to go.... I'm too young to die. I want to live, to see the world, to experience more.... please god give me a chance to live pl..please" With each passing moment, the pain became unbearable. Unable to keep your eyes open any longer, soon, you surrendered to unconsciousness. Maybe for forever?


A man, observing the scene from the nearby bus stand, swiftly pulled out his phone and dialed a number. With a calm demeanor, he uttered,

''The work is done, boss.''


Hello everyone! please don't forget to vote and share your opinions in the comment section. And yeah get ready for the first major plot😄😄😄😄💜💜💜💜

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