Chapter 7

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Ignore mistakes, please🙏

Third person p.o.v-

You turned to Soojin as you frowned in confusion '' what are you talking about''?

''Oh please, spare me your so-called amnesia drama. Did you honestly think I'd buy into that crap huh? I know it is just your act to cover up your slu*ty move. But let's see how long are you going to continue this act. Just tell me one thing,'' She stepped a bit closer to you, smirking she continued ''Do you want to experience that hell again or did you enjoy getting fuc** liked that? I can still remember you crying and begging for help in front of me... If you forget then let me remind you, we go to the same university and now I have to go to university with a who*e like you. You should've at least thought about my reputation''.

Your jaw hung slack as her words pierced the air. Siblings hurling such venom at each other seemed inconceivable, regardless of their strained relationship. Judging from her words it's clear that the Han sisters were on really bad terms.

But why she is saying all this?.....  That's when it hit you. That peculiar dream you had that night, where the odd image of someone taking advantage of Jin Ae without her consent burned into your memory. And that's why she wanted to die. ''Is this why she is calling me a who*e'' you thought.

'' filthy little bit**, you have no idea how badly I want to punch your face right now'' You mumbled with a smirk." Obviously, her words weren't meant for you since you're not Han Jin Ae, but rather Lee Y/N. still as you are in her body now so her words kinda pissed you off.

''What are you two gossiping about'' The tensed environmental room got lightened as Han David (father of Han sisters) entered the room with a tray full of snacks. 

''Nothing much dad, I was just showing my big sister her room'' She remarked, casually resting her arm on your shoulder. Oh how badly you wanted to jerk off and break that hand of her but you need to continue your act as a good daughter so no one can suspect you. So you just smiled along.

"We've decided to throw a grand party for Jinae to celebrate her remarkable recovery from her coma," He exclaimed excitedly, playfully feeding you a bite of pizza as you grinned appreciatively. Soojin, however, couldn't resist rolling her eyes at the suggestion. "Dad, that sounds like a fantastic idea," she replied, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

Soon Han Hana (mother of Han sisters) also joined you in the room and that day you got to know how it feels to spend time with family. Yeah if we exclude that so-called sister of yours.


JK lounged in his office, shrouded by the eerie embrace of dim lights. He was sitting on his chair with his head resting on the chair with his eyes closed. The top three buttons of his shirt were undone, His sleeves were rolled up, revealing his tattooed arm. His messy bangs spilled over his forehead while the rest of his hair was neatly tied back in a ponytail. His one hand casually draped over the chair's armrest while the other holding a glowing cigarette.

He brought the cigarette near his lips and puffed the intoxicating smoke before releasing it in the air. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door. ''come in'' he said in a low and dark voice but enough to be heard by the person who was knocking.

The door opened and Taehyung entered the room. "JK, Han David has summoned you to his mansion," Taehyung said, in a casual tone. "He wishes to discuss the recent deal we struck with him. We have six hours to make our way there."

"Hmm," JK merely grunted in response, his attention fixed on the swirling smoke from his latest cigarette. As Taehyung's gaze swept across the cluttered office, he noticed nearly a dozen cigarette butts strewn across the floor, evidence of hours spent in silent contemplation. He also noticed the bandaged hand of JK and sighed.

"You really need to cut back on smoking, JK. It's incredibly dangerous for your health," Taehyung urged, his concern evident in his voice. However, JK remained unresponsive, lost in the haze of his cigarette with his eyes closed.

 Taehyung sighed, realizing his words were falling on deaf ears. With a resigned acceptance of the situation, he turned and exited the room, closing the door behind him, knowing that his admonitions wouldn't have any effect on JK.

JK rules the underworld, but to everyone else, he's just seen as a successful businessman. He keeps his true identity hidden so no one suspects a thing. Han Enterprise and Jeon Enterprise have been partners for ages, trusting each other completely. but still, Han David was never able to know about JK being an undercover mafia king.

He took one last drag from his cigarette, then threw it on the floor and crushed it under his heel. Grabbing his coat from the nearby sofa, he headed out of the office.


''Bitch, Quit screeching like a dying bird, you're making my ears bleed," Taehyung snapped in annoyance as Jimin continued his singing fit while laying on the sofa. But It sounded more like a scream of agony than a song.

"Can't a tired soul shed its weariness through song, huh? I've been grinding away for nine hours straight, my body feels like it's been hit by a truck. Seriously, dude, I'm telling you, I really need a good fu** to get off the tiredness. I'm hitting the club as soon as I'm off work." Jimin whined, while Taehyung just rolled his eyes in response. ''Stupid midget''.

''what did you say'' Jimin asked in a little angry voice.'' I said what you heard.'' Taehyung said with a smirk.

''You, I'm gonna...'' jimin was cut off by the sound of boots coming towards the living room. soon JK entered in the living room and everyone became serious. 

''is everything ready'' JK asked in a cold tone.

"Everything's set. I think it's time to go," Taehyung stated, while Jungkook merely offered a noncommittal hum before heading towards the exit. Jimin and Taehyung sighed before following him towards the exit.

As they stepped out of the mansion, they made their way towards the waiting car. Jungkook slipped on his sunglasses with a smooth motion before sliding into the vehicle, followed closely by Jimin and Taehyung. they started the car their journey towards the Han mansion.

''Unaware of the fact that fate planned something for them.''


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Borahe 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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