chapter 21

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Please, ignore mistakes🙏

Third person p.o.v-

You closed your eyes, succumbing to the sweet embrace of unconsciousness. In that vulnerable moment, Jungkook cradled your limp form, his gaze tenderly tracing every contour of your face.  He couldn't help but admire every feature of yours, how peaceful you looked in his embrace. How peaceful he felt with you in his embrace. Your slight frame nestled perfectly against his broad chest, fitting like the missing piece to a puzzle which was incomplete until now. 

This closeness, this intimacy, was a culmination of his deepest desires, a longing he had harbored through endless days and restless nights. And now, with you nestled against him, the weight of his emotions threatened to overwhelm him.

Externally composed, internally tumultuous, Jungkook's heart thundered within his chest, its rhythm a testament to the storm of emotions brewing beneath his calm facade. He couldn't tear his gaze away from you, as if fearing that a mere blink would shatter the fragile reality of this moment. Bringing his big, rough, dark tattooed hand near your face, he to caressed your delicate rosy lips, marveling at their softness beneath his touch. 

Then, cupping your face with his trembling hands, he brought his face closer to yours, and then placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. Oh so softly, as if even a hint of roughness could harm the delicate flower he held in his arms. he closed his eyes feeling your warmth against his lips, but you were completely unaware of it.

Kissing your forehead gently, he pulled your body closer to him and hugged you tightly, as if there were no tomorrow. The hug wasn't just a normal one; his possessiveness, his longing for all these years, was evident in it. He held your petite, limp body in his arms so possessively, as if letting go would mean someone would snatch you away from him.

The warmth of your body mingling with his as he refused to release you from the hug. How could he? How could he let go when he had finally regained you after so many difficulties? How could he release you after he waited for you for so many years. How could he, after suffering so much for the person he cherished? Wait... suffering.....? Well, leave it for now.

The turmoil in his mind, which had been bothering him for the past few months, has finally ceased. He felt thankful that instead of ignoring everything happening around him, he decided to seek out the truth, and he didn't regret it in the slightest. The sleepless nights spent uncovering the truth were, after all, worth it. The memories of past events remained vivid in his mind. His grip on you became tighter and more possessive as he reminisced about the preceding events.


"I hate you... I HATE YOU, JEON JUNGKOOK!" Jin Ae shouted at him with teary eyes and ran towards the exit. (Part from Chapter 17). Jungkook seized the nearby laptop, which was placed on the table, and hurled it to the ground, breaking it into pieces. Feeling enraged, he marched towards his room upstairs.

As he entered his room, he shut the door with a loud thud. His hands were clenched tightly into fists, his eyes bloodshot red. The dark pupil in the middle of the bloodshot sclera made him look like a demon. He was feeling enraged, extremely enraged, but what was bothering him the most were the words he had just heard from her. Walking towards the window, he looked out, only to his eyes to darken further as they fell upon Taehyung and Jin Ae hugging each other.

He felt immense anger rushing through his body. Why? Well, he himself didn't know. He took a large vase and threw it at the mirror, breaking it into pieces. To vent his frustration, he destroyed every single thing in the room. Soon, it looked like a tornado had smacked the whole place, destroying everything inside it. 

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