Hybrid Love

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This is a self insert X Keegan one-shot. Hybrid AU where you as reader or y/n is a Bangle Tiger hybrid and Keegan is a Grey Wolf hybrid. Its an enemy to lovers trope but y/n aint no damsel, you are a strong and confident tiger hybrid, and low-key wrote Keegan as a simp after you save him. lolol he just seemed like the type to be a simp for a strong and self assured person. (One could say MILF/DILF energy) This is SFW but with mentions of death but nothing too Gorey. 

    Out of all the other hybrid soldiers You were the least liked by Keegan, a sergeant sniper. Keegan himself was a Gray wolf hybrid, a very dominant and judgmental kind. His entire being had been angered when he found out he had to work with you.

In the middle of the night your mission started, the forest was thick and dark as you wandered through it. Keegan's long wolf ears twitched in different directions, picking up different sounds in the distance, his tail remaining tense. "You better keep up, cat." *Keegan spoke quietly with a threatening tone.

You rolled your (E/C) eyes, you a bengal tiger hybrid was used to the hate, as you followed closely behind. "Don't need to worry about me *doggy*." You shot back in a quiet tone. Your eyes glowing in the dark as your ears as well as twitching and listening to different sounds. Though you were much more relaxed then Keegan. He didn't appreciate being called a dog and let out a grunt, his ears going flat against his head.

"Shut it cat." Keegan gritted his teeth under the balaclava, the wolf eyes now looking directly at her. Glowing eyes stared at him back, which in the dark was a bit unsettling. You don't respond, obviously because he told you to 'shut it'. After a moment of eye contact you look away from him, You just wanted this mission to be over with. Just wanting to take a nap. As they trekked on through the forest, Keegan's ears flicked from side to side for different sounds. His muscles under the balaclava were tensed, as he moved along his senses were on high alert.

"You smell even worse than usual." Keegan stated, obviously trying to bait you into an argument, but also possibly hoping you wouldn't respond.

You just let out a hum of acknowledgement, not really saying anything back. He was angry and you wouldn't feed that anger that could jeopardize the mission. Keegan gave a huff, frustrated that he wasn't getting a reaction out of you. He was just about to give up and wait until the mission was finished to complain when an idea occurred to him.

"You know something funny?" Keegan's voice was a smug one, and he was already grinning under the balaclava. Not even waiting for a response, he continued. "You're so hated by everyone that you probably don't even have a mate."

This made you huff out in annoyance. "Just focus on the damn mission." Your tail flicked from side to side, as you quietly stalked behind him. Seeing that he had gotten a reaction out of you, Keegan pressed.

"What I said is probably true, isn't it?"

"I bet you're so ugly no one will touch you." Keegan had a sick smirk on his face, he knew those kinds of words were sure to get to you.

"Do you even know what it's like to be touched by another?"

"Be quiet." You growled softly, as you quickly grabbed him and covered his mouth, ducking under a bush. A second later distant speaking could be heard. "I thought I heard someone over here. Must be wrong." Then footsteps fading away.

After you felt they were gone she let go of Keegan.

Being a larger person than you, Keegan just stared at you with an agitated expression on his face. When he was able, he pulled out from your grip and stood up into a crouch, breathing heavily as he tried to get out his rage. He had lost it when you had covered his mouth, a look of hatred and fear crossing his face.

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