Zombies and families part 2

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They had walked a good while and as Katherine checked her watch she noticed an hour had gone by. There were discarded cars all over the road.

"Okay let's take a break." She said with a small smile using one car to sit against to get out of the sun. Rose followed suit happily to take a rest, she sat down and took off her backpack and opened it, taking out a water bottle and taking a drink from it.

Ghost made his way to the spot where Katherine sat. Ghost joined her and he sat down next to her as he was slightly out of breath from the walking. His body was used to moving and walking but his body had gotten slightly fatigued after such a long period of time.

"How are you doing, Ghost?" Katherine asked as she also took off her pack. Rose had put her water bottle back in her bag and got up.

"Rose love, don't wander too far." She quickly told her daughter before letting her go off. Ghost looked over at the woman and he smiled at her when she asked him how he was doing.

"I've been good darlin 'but I do admit my body is starting to feel tired from walking." he said softly with a chuckle. He then turned his attention to the small girl wandering off. She looked so innocent and he couldn't help but notice that her mother was being careful not to let her wander too far off alone. This was a good sign that the mother was protecting the child to the best of her ability. She gave a nod as she watched her daughter, making sure she didn't wander too far.

"Well it's a good thing we're taking a break." Katherine gave a tired smile, she was also tired, it had been awhile since she did a journey like this.

"Yeah it certainly is a good thing that we are taking a break." Ghost said with a tired smile. He knew that his body was in quite a bit of discomfort from all the walking and it wouldn't be easy to continue without taking small breaks in between to rest. He watched the young girl as she wandered around and he was somewhat envious of her as she was completely care-free.

"She looks like she's having fun." he murmured to himself as he glanced over to her.

"I just hope Rose doesn't wander too far." She sighs as she drinks some water. Katherine took this time to pull out a notebook, reflect and write down her thoughts. It was a habit she picked up from her military days. It helped her not lose her mind.

Ghost nodded at the woman's comment and he kept his eyes on the young girl as well.

"She won't go that far off. I'm sure she'll be fine." he muttered but he continued to watch the girl anyway.

"Do you do that often? Write down your thoughts I mean."

Katherine gave a nod. "I used to do it on long missions, it helped with the stress." She told him as she continued to write. The notebook held her worries and fears and plans.

Suddenly Rose ran back to them. "Mama! Mama, I found something." The young girl happily gave the item she found to her mother. It was a pair of car keys.

Ghost was intrigued by Katherine's writing habits as he was also somebody who wrote things down to help with his thoughts and also worries. But when the young girl came back with a set of car keys in her small little hands, he was a little perplexed and interested by the discovery.

"Car keys?" he muttered curiously. He looked over at the woman to see if she was surprised by the discovery and what her reactions to it were.

"Where did you get these?" She asked Rose, taking the keys and looking at them.

The young girl smiled. "I found them in a bush." This calmed Katherine's worry just a bit.

"Let's find the car that goes to these." She said as she got up, patting Rose's head. Ghost watched the mother as she became slightly more calm when the young girl explained where she had found the keys. The woman immediately got up to start looking for the car that these keys belonged to as he wondered how long it had been out here. Ghost followed her as they made their way down the road to try and find what car the keys belonged to.

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