Labor in the Battlefield

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This is very much just a fic I made for self indulgence. I've noticed sometimes my stories just forget to explain shit and/or just forgets things that were set up in the beginning. I have adhd so yeah... I do this for fun anyway. This is an OC fic. This is SFW mentions of gunfire and (VERY) simplified pregnancy and birth. Enjoy.

Katherine never meant for this to happen. She didn't even mean to hide her pregnancy from them, it just... happened. This mission was supposed to take three weeks and then she'd have told them and gone on parental leave.

But the mission went sideways, dragging on for months. Now here she was, eight months pregnant in a firefight. She was so close to making it through, extraction being only days away and her due date still three weeks away... But Katherine can't ignore the pain in her body anymore. The unmistakable feeling of contractions renders her unable to keep standing and she collapses with a strangled gasp.

"Katherine!" Price's worried voice barks over comms. "Gaz, Katherine needs help!"

Gaz drops to his knees by her side, turning her on her back to check her for injuries. "No visible injuries, but something is wrong," he reports back to Price. Gaz frowns worriedly at the panic in Katherine's face.

"Get Katherine the hell out of here," Soap growls, she spots him a few dozen feet away, firing at the enemy.

Ghost agrees in his usual gruff voice, "Go, I'll cover you." Enemy combatants drop like flies as Ghost begins protecting her and Gaz with his rifle.

Gaz hauls her up and a second later Price is by her side as well as they drag her off the field into cover. Soap follows them and crouches down in the doorway, keeping hostiles away from the team and Ghost follows a moment later.

Katherine's leaning against a wall and Price sternly asks where her injuries are, while Gaz is preparing a medkit.

She shakes her head. This isn't how this was meant to happen, but it's happening. There is no changing that now.

"Captain, I'm not injured, I..." She can't believe this is really happening. She takes a deep breath. "I'm going into labor."

With the bombshell she just dropped Katherine bowed her head as pain pulsed through her body as the contracts made it hard for her to stand. The crimson haired field medic was taking deep breaths through the pain.

"God damnit," Price says as he quickly kneels down next to her.

She sees the tension as Ghost and Soap join her side, Ghost's blue eyes narrowing with concern.

With a gentle but firm touch, Gaz removes the flak jacket from her body in order to allow Price room to inspect you.

As he works on the straps of her body armor, he looks over to Soap and Ghost. "We are not going to make it out of here if she goes into labor."

"YOU! Get your ass out there and make sure no enemies get close take Soap with you!" Katherine barked out as she pointed at Ghost.

Then she pointed at Price. "You! Get a medevac here as soon as possible!"

She didn't need to tell Gaz anything as he was doing what he was supposed to, helping her out of her gear to give birth. Seeing as she was about to give birth in an active battlefield she seemed to know what to do.

Ghost gives her a sharp nod and a small grin before barking an order to Soap, who nods once as well. Ghost takes back his position in the fight, covering Price and Gaz as they tend to Katherine's needs.

Price gets on the radio, making contact with the extraction team. Meanwhile, Gaz finishes getting her body armor off and checks the position of the baby. "I can't feel the head but she's pretty far down. You're going to have to deliver that baby yourself. Just push when the contractions come."

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