Zombies and families (spoiler there are no zombies)

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okay this one does need a warning mostly because the second part is gonna go fucking hard. Once again we see the lovely Katherine this time with daughter. this is sfw but maybe a lime or limon soon (Are those terms still being used?)


It was the apocalypse, the living dead was a real threat and it was every man for himself. Ghost had survived longer than most of his teammates, each one a reminder he couldn't keep connections. Deciding to just go off by himself to survive. He had been travelling through the woods finding it easier to evade the undead through the trees. He found a cabin and thought it would be perfect to rest and see what he had left in his dwindling supplies, and hopefully find some good supplies in the cabin. What he didn't know was that the cabin was already in use and as he entered the cabin through a window he was faced with a crimson haired woman holding a shotgun to his face. "You better go back the way you came or you won't have a face." She warned him, she couldn't risk him being infected and turning when she was unaware. Ghost was startled at the woman's sudden appearance, his sharp features softening as he looked at her with a smirk.

"Calm down darling," he said, "I ain't here to hurt you. Just looking to stay the night I promise I won't be any trouble at all." Ghost said confidently.

"Where you followed, any wounds?" She asked after a second, the shotgun not moving as she glared at him. She couldn't be more cautious in a situation where the dead could come back to life. Ghost shakes his head.

"No wounds, no bites, absolutely clean," Ghost assured her, "Just been out in the woods for the past couple of days and I could do with a little rest." Ghost smiled at the woman he found quite attractive despite the pointed gun at his face.

She let out a small sigh of relief lowering her weapon. "Sorry for being a tad ...rude. Life hasn't been the same since those undead started attacking and turning others." She told him. acting a lot more calm and friendly with him.

There was a sound from the other room and the head of a young girl popped out. She looked like a younger version of the woman. "Rose! I told you not to come out, you don't know if it's safe." The crimson haired woman scolded the child who was named Rose. That's why she was cautious with him.

Ghost raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "I get it darlin' can't be too careful with how things are these days, and who's that?" Ghost asks curiously as he watches the little girl pop her head out of the room. "Rose, my daughter, my name is Katherine. Come here love, he's safe." She answered and motioned for the young girl to come over. Rose quickly moved to her mother hiding behind her legs.

"We haven't seen other survivors for awhile, I was beginning to think we were the only ones left." Katherine caressed her daughter's head as she spoke. Ghost was also surprised to see another survivor, and she was gorgeous too, but he quickly pushed the thoughts out of his head. He was a lone wolf, a survivor and never stayed too long in one place. He looked at the little girl and was reminded of an old friendship and smirked as he spoke. "I've been on the move for a while, surviving by myself." Ghost explained as he looked around the room curiously. The cabin was well kept, of course some places looked more lived in then others. Some walls had hand drawn pictures, done by Rose herself.

Katherine nodded as she listened to him. "Well, you're more than welcome to rest here. We don't have much in terms of food, I do need to do a supply run soon." She sighed at the last part.

Ghost's eyes were drawn to the pictures Rose had dotted around the room. "Your daughter, she's cute, and I have to say she's a great artist," Ghost said with a small compliment, which made Rose perk up, and he noticed a lack of a father figure in her life. "So you're raising her by yourself?" Ghost questioned curiously.

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