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Do miracles exist or they were just some kind of false hope for those people who were surprised at something?

Miracles, from my perspective, are purely fictitious, as they serve only as a false sense of hope for people in despair. The fact that many people desperately cling to the idea of miracles to solve their problems, rather than working towards practical solutions, is quite disappointing. In my opinion, relying on miracles is a waste of time and resources, and it only perpetuates a cycle of hoping for a nonexistent solution that will never come.

As an atheist, I do not believe in the existence of a god or gods, nor do I have faith in any person or group for guidance. While I respect the beliefs of others and their right to practice their faith freely, I choose not to participate in any religious practices, including bowing, praying, or worshiping. Instead, I place my trust in myself and my own beliefs, and I strive to live a fulfilling life based on my own principles and values.

As a man of science, I've been committed to studying and excelling in the fields of science and math ever since my grade 1 teacher introduced us to the concept of Earth. While I may be good at other subjects, science is what truly captivates my interest and attention. The field of science is truly remarkable, and I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to further my understanding and explore its depths. I firmly believe that science is the best way to understand the world and improve the human condition, and I will continue to devote my time and energy to learning and contributing to the field.

At 20 years old, I had already successfully completed medical school and become a licensed physician, a true achievement for one so young.

The praise and support I received was a testament to my intellectual ability and potential. However, becoming a neurologist and cardiologist was not my personal dream; in fact, I had never even considered such a career path before. It was someone else's dream.

My journey to this point was a unique one, as I didn't have any specific plans, priorities, or dreams at that time in my life. I was simply living for the moment and exploring my experiences without any clear goal in mind. Despite this, I have found a calling in the medical field, and I am grateful for the opportunity to help others and make a difference in the world.

At the age of 29, I can confidently say that I am content with my life. While many people may expect me to have a family at this stage in my life, I have chosen not to pursue marriage, as it does not align with my personal desires or values. Instead, I prioritize my career, wealth, and personal freedom, and I am confident in my decision to prioritize these factors in my life.


Despite my previous statements about my beliefs and values, the arrival of a special woman in my life made me question everything.

I didn't believe in miracles, but her presence made me believe in them.

I didn't worship any gods, but I found myself praying and pleading for her safety and happiness.

And despite my previously stated skepticism towards marriage, this woman made me envision a life with her.

The impact she had on my contentment and perspectives was profound, and I am grateful for the changes she has introduced into my life.

I fell in love and even fell from the skies.

I am Maximus Gunner...and this is the story between a doctor and his patient.


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