Throwback part 1

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Seokjin father Hoon was not pleased with having two Omega sons and just an Alpha daughter,Jin the eldest was physically abused by his Father every opportunity he got to the extent that jins mom had tried to escape with her boys so many times before she passed .

Hoon pack was a small pack far into the woods they didn't have much resources but they were surviving till the pack leader saw a way of getting more wealth . At this time the Kims pack which was one of the richest first son was looking for his mate and had invited all the king's around the world to come with their omegas to see if his mate could be amidst them since his mate wasn't in the Kims pack .

When this message got to the hoons he was super happy ,hoping this could be a good way to get rid of at least one of his omegas son and get wealth out of it ,and he was ready to propose the other son as a concubine he doesn't care as long as wealth is involved .

Few days before their departure ,Jin had heard the information and was heartbroken he knows his father was desperate but never thought it could be this deep he knew he didn't have a choice but he hoped he could be the mate and save his brother from another misfortune cause if the Kims reject his younger brother as concubine he knows his father would sell him off to any other hungry alpha ...

Kim's pack ..

Namjoon and the other head of the Kims welcomed all the other pack members coming into the palace for the chance of their sons and daughters being the chosen one ..

The hoons arrived late cause they stayed too far away ,before they arrived Namjoon had gone in for his rest cause it was pretty late , Mr Hoon was disappointed and instead of letting the boys rest he blamed them for their late arrival cause the truth is only Mr Hoon was on a carriage the rest had to walk and they did so for 3 days causing Seokjins junior brother to pass out today ,so they had to revive him before they continued their journey ..

The hoons were guarded to their resting place,food were served and shortly they had all retried for the night but for some reason seokjin couldn't sleep so he decided to stroll around the wing were they were spending the night ..

Namjoon focus ...

Namjoon had retired for the night he knew it was going to be a long day tomorrow and he needed all the rest he could get tonight .

In the middle of the night his heart started racing and he began sweating ,his eyes shot open as his wolf groans in excitement .

Mate mate ,our mate .

Namjoon couldn't control his wolf as he jumps over his window transforming into his wolf form a black big fluffy wolf with a red eye ,as the wolf ran towards a particular scent ..

They ran till he could smell his mate getting closer and he stopped his movement and that's when a tall ,slender male appeared looking new and the moon was reflecting on his skin making him look so beautiful with his blue hair .

The wolf groans to this beauty and walked closer and immediately he got a closer look ,Jin on the other hand enjoying the cool breeze was caught off guard as he saw a wolf with his red eyes bawling at him ,Jin was shaking he feared maybe he had crossed the line .

"Am sorry ,if am intruding I just got here so don't know the rules ,I will just walk back to my room " he bows trying to get back when the wolf double crossed him making Jin frightened .

"Mate ,how come you ain't feeling the pressure of facing your mate "

"Mate? I think you got the wrong person " Jin says with fear evident ..

Namjoons wolf was disappointed that jins wolf couldn't recognize him and that's when he charged at him pinning him on the ground before he torn his shirt of his chest licking him over before biting himself putting his blood around Jin who was fidgeting and soon Jin started shaking ,his body was out of control and then Namjoon took over his wolf making him turn back to his human form ,seeing what his wolf had done he was furious cause this could kill Jin if his wolf doesn't take over ..

Namjoon held onto him so tightly making Jin sniff on his pheromones to calm down but suddenly jins eyes turned blue as his eyes opened filled tears.

Mate mate You are my mate ?

Yes .

Jin engulfed him into a warm hug still crying ,Namjoon couldn't understand why his mate was crying but before he could register what was going on Jin connected their lips into a kiss ,at first he was shocked but soon he reciprocate and it became intense .

Jin sat on his thighs both kissing non stop ,as much as this was fun he had to know what was going on so Namjoon stopped him .

"What's goin on ?"

"I want you to mark me " Jin sobs .

"But that's not proper ,we just met today , I don't even know your name or anything about you "

"My name is Hoon seokjin,we don't have time by tomorrow my dad might sell me off if he finds out the kims son isn't my mate cause that's why we are here ,and I saw you my mate here ,please maybe we could beg the pack leader together tomorrow knowing we have mated they would have no choice but let us be together and I can save my brother as well" Jin explains .

Namjoon could feel the fear radiating from his mate that night as he engulfed him into a warm hug he promised to never let him fear any one ever again ..

"I will protect you and your brother I promise ,just go back and sleep for now act like nothing happened I will see you tomorrow at the ceremony " ..

Jin refused but when Namjoon gave him a reassuring kiss he could not resist that so he quietly got back hiding himself to the bathroom where he freshened up and got rid of the the bloody clothes to avoid suspicion ...

See you next chapter 😉...

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