CH 2 - A new start

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First version: 27 March
Edited Version: 9 September

It was a busy day as usual in New York. The United Nations was standing at the door of a double storey house. It wasn't that big but it was more than enough for two people. The courtyard was decorated with beautiful flowers, all arranged with great precision. UN kept tapping his right foot on the floor and checked his watch impatiently. He had better things to do than wait for two countries who wouldn't stop picking a fight with each other. Hopefully, he can put an end to this.

UN looked up when he heard the sound of a car pulling up on the drive way. It was America. A smile appeared on UN's pale blue face. He can finally leave. America got out of the black vehicle and walked towards UN.

"Hey, UN. Didn't expect to see you here."

"Greetings, United States. I thought it would be better if I come here myself. Here are the keys. The house is already cleaned. But, you will have to do the things around the house from now onwards. I am sure you don't mind. Do you need help with your luggage?"

"Alright UN, and no, I don't need any help. I can manage on my own."

"Then I will be taking my leave."

America nodded. He began to take things from his car, into the house. He was surprised that Russia hadn't arrived yet, because he was punctual in almost everything. Anyway, he decided to explore the house and get familiar with the surroundings.

America began to explore the ground floor. He was about to switch on the large TV when he heard the sound of another car in the drive way. He guessed that it was probably Russia. He walked towards the door to meet him.

Russia got out of his car and took out his luggage. He carried it towards the door. America was standing there smiling, with his arms crossed. He moved away to make way for the Russian to enter the house. Russia came back to take the remaining bags. This time, America followed him inside and shut the door.

When Russia put his bags in the living room, America decided to start a conversation. He reminded himself to not make any rude or cocky comments towards Russia because the sooner they got along, the sooner they will be leaving.

"Hey Russia. Why are you..uh, late?"

The taller country looked down at the other's striped face. Russia had no emotions on his face. No anger, no happiness, no sadness. Just plain.

"Privet Amerika. I was feeling sick this morning. Had to find medicine and get better enough to drive." Russia said in his thick Russian accent.

"Ah, alright. Are you feeling better now?" America asked in a voice that was flavoured with the slightest bit of concern.

Russia was surprised that he asked that. He didn't know why America would care for him (it wasn't that much of a big question, but still). Maybe he just didn't want to get sick himself. He made his head believe that.

"I am.. feeling better now...? Why do you care? You out of all people."  Russia questioned while tilting his head slightly to the side and raising an eyebrow.

"Uh, no reason. Just thought I should get along with you if I don't want to stay here forever. Anyways, we should explore the house and select our rooms. UN said that we will have to do all the chores ourselves. Are you coming?"

Russia thought that was a valid reason and he should be trying to do it too. He replied,

"Hmm, sure. Bedroom is probably upstairs. Should unpack bags first."

"Yeah. Then, come on."

Both nations grabbed a few bags and climbed upstairs. They saw two rooms which they assumed to be their bedrooms. America opened the door to the first room with the keys he had. It was quite a spacious room. In the middle of the room was a huge bed. Yet there was a lot of room left around it. America put his bags on the bed. He saw two separate cupboards and drawers on both sides of the bed. He didn't understand why there were two of each. He exited the room to open the other room for Russia. Russia followed him with his bags.

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