Day 6- Affairs

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Adam found himself following the same routine when it came to his work. Snap pics of unsuspecting rich douchebags without getting caught---a very specific, yet easy gig. He didn't care about who they were or what they looked like. If he was anything like the rest of the guys he followed, he knew he wouldn't be impressed.

That was, until he finally saw Doctor Gordon.


Adam found himself following the same routine when it came to his work. His freelance gigs used to be fairly typical: concert photos, headshots, the occasional bar mitzvah. But more often than not, he was called for more risky endeavors.

Snap pics of unsuspecting rich douchebags without getting caught---a very specific, yet easy gig. He was hired by mostly wives, though once he was hired by a husband who was convinced his wife was screwing the mailman. Turns out, she was.

Adam was great at what he did. He was smart, sneaky. He knew exactly where to hide while still getting the perfect angle. He was asked to take pictures of them for one reason alone.

He noticed little details about them, from their prim suits to their wedding bands slipping towards their pockets in a shitty attempt to be subtle. He'd watch them leave their homes late at night for a few hours of fun.

Adam had no interest, no sympathy towards the men he took pictures of. At some point they started to look alike, blending together. Some were blond, others brunet. Either way they all had the same excuses. They were bored in their marriages, and needed someone younger and prettier to fool around with until the next best thing came around. Adam was familiar with these types of men.

It didn't matter what they looked like. They were all stiff, entitled, privileged assholes slinking through seedy motels and bars without a care in the world that they were ruining their families' lives.

Sure, Adam may be a voyeur and a creep, but at least he was doing it for survival, not for a cheap thrill despite Scott's claims. He needed the cash to pay rent, and frankly, if invading privacy was the only way for him to avoid getting evicted by his angry landlord, then so be it.

He also had no regrets. He wasn't the one betraying any marriages, he was only paid to expose them.

But this time, his client was different. Instead of being pleaded by a distressed woman in tears, begging for some proof of her husband's deception, or vengeful drunk husbands, he was approached by a man in an alleyway.

Adam didn't even know the guy's name. He remembered his intimidating presence offering a larger sum than he usually got, and then he accepted it without a moment of hesitation. He didn't ask why. Sure, alarm bells were ringing in his head the second he said yes. There was always some sort of catch to these types of gigs, and no doubt he signed himself up to either be scammed or, worse case scenario, another murder statistic. He'd take that chance.

The red flags were more prominent than an actual red flag smacking him in the face and knocking him to the floor. Any normal person would have rejected it if they valued their life.

But he didn't reject it. If he didn't accept this gig, someone else would. Someone else would take that cash, and he couldn't risk it. He was desperate. So fucking desperate. This was more than enough money to pay for a month's rent, and another week's groceries on top of that. He had no choice.

It was another night of following a random rich scumbag. This one was apparently a doctor. Not that he actually gave a shit. He didn't care about who they were or what they looked like. If he was anything like the rest of the guys he followed, Adam knew he wouldn't be impressed.

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