Day 9: Recovery (LynnxAmanda)

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Summary: Lynn's home alone in her apartment, until she receives a visit from an unlikely visitor- an injured Amanda.

Moonlight slivered through cracks in the window, illuminating Lynn's bedroom with its glowing presence.

However she didn't stir from her slumber when her digital clock struck two in the morning. She was half asleep, hardly aware of her surroundings as she nestled deep under her covers, her breathing slowed. Her head was filled with static, unexplainable thoughts that left her more confused and restless than comfortable. Tossing and turning certainly didn't help either. By the time her eyes fluttered open at last, the time was 2:30.

Lynn groaned, rubbed at her bleary, burning eyes, and swung her legs over to climb out of bed. It didn't seem likely she would ever get to sleep at this rate. Instead she wandered towards the kitchen like a zombie, debating on grabbing a snack or trying some yoga routine she remembered learning to relax her mind. With a tap on the switch, she grimaced as the kitchen lamp turned on. She had been expecting it, but it still was irritating to be practically blinded.

After heating some warm milk up, she opted for reading a few pages of a book, choosing not to remember that she needed to be at work in three hours. Curling up and relaxing was just what she needed to calm down.

She took a sip from her mug, humming thoughtfully as a wave of nostalgia hit her. Whenever Corbett couldn't sleep, Lynn often heated up milk for her too. Now that her little girl was sleeping over at her dad's, it made the house more lonely.

And eerie. Lynn had always been an anxious person, though she hid behind it with pills and a forced smile. She was used to men wolf whistling and the slimy ones leering at her body while she worked. But after getting abducted and tested by John Kramer himself, her paranoia had increased ten fold. At work she never worked later than necessary anymore, and she didn't work alone either. It wasn't worth the risk.

And at home, she was no longer able to sleep properly at night without the aid of the hallway light. If she was able to sleep at all.

Case and point, the moment she set her mug down, she felt a shiver rise up her spine. If she listened carefully, she swore she heard footsteps creeping nearby. Nearing towards her apartment door. It was too large and loud to be an animal, and they were stumbling too consistently to be one at that.

In the back of her mind, she knew it was paranoia again. It wasn't illegal for someone to walk around after all. Perhaps it was just a drunk neighbor.

There was no reason to be afraid, not when she was perfectly safe in her apartment. Her door was locked, she had a phone, and she had pepper spray. Whether it was a Jigsaw accomplice or a creeper, she could handle anything.

But what if whoever was behind the door was stronger than her? What if they could overpower her? Lynn wasn't very strong physically. She wouldn't stand a chance even if the odds weren't stacked against her.

The milk soured in her stomach. The footsteps were getting louder. Stomping around until they planted somewhere across from where she stood.

Then there was a muffled yelp. Her blood ran cold. Who the hell was that?

"Jesus..." Lynn muttered under her breath, locked in on the only exit.

Taking a shaky breath, she stood up and padded towards the door. Before she brushed by the coffee table, she snatched her car keys from her purse and held it between her middle finger and thumb. She practiced this before, she was prepared to fight whoever was there no matter what. Or at least call for help.

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