Day 8- Bars/Clubs

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In a bar across town, Amanda meets a beautiful stranger.

(Shotgunshipping Week Day #2: Bar/Clubs)

Tonight is gonna be interesting, Amanda can tell.

The night is still young by the time she slips through the door and bumps knuckles with some people she recognizes, the entire space is filled with vibrant, electric energy. Just the way she likes it. Alive, brightly lit chaos. A rainbow of colors sparkle around her as she takes in the pounding music thumping through cheap speakers and the chatter overlapping her mind of any coherent thought. Sure it's crowded, boiling hot, and overstimulating as fuck, but she can't get enough of it. It's a place to run away from her problems, at least for the time being.

She's there with Adam, of course. He always takes a little longer to arrive, since he has a tendency to start fights long before he's even intoxicated, but soon enough, she gestures lazily to come over. They find a spot by the corner of the bar, a quiet area to chat with recently acquired margaritas in hand.

"Took you long enough."

Adam rolls his eyes, exasperated. "You saw what happened back there. The bouncer wouldn't even let me in! You would think he would recognize me by now. But no! Ryan still thinks I'm underage."

"I think he does it to spite you specifically." She says, a smirk curving upon her lips.

Adam huffs, twisting the lime wedge on his glass, clearly debating on arguing before settling on pouting in silence.

"So...margaritas?" She stares at him, meeting his frown just a little. "Thought you were more of a beer guy."

"I felt like Jimmy Buffet, you know?"

She raises an eyebrow skeptically.

"Okay, the guy over there paid for them." He points towards an older blond man sitting on a stool. "Called me cute too." He grins, looking proud of himself.

She snorts. "Sounds serious." Then stirs her drink and takes a sip. "Woah, this does taste like a summer holiday."


Her mouth curves into a genuine smile, relaxing. "Thank you. I needed this."

"The drink?"

"Well, duh, yeah. But also the company." She exhales. "I've been so stressed lately, I just need to relax and..." Her voice trails off, lowering her gaze to her half empty glass and the water droplets dripping down it from condensation. "Why aren't you talking to him?"


"The guy who paid for our drinks?"

"I told him I was with a friend. I don't want you to be left alone."

"Boo, don't let me stop you from getting your happy ending. Go on!"

"I don't know...I'd rather spend time with you then get my hopes up with this random guy----"

Adam's voice dies in her ears as she momentarily becomes distracted.

Then she looks up, eyes wandering a bit. She pays little attention to the other patrons, until she finally does.

Her breath catches.

Standing in the middle of the room, is a woman Amanda has never seen before. She holds a grimy glass of something clear in her shaky grasp as she squeezes past some dancers, looking anxious. Amanda only notices her because of how out of place she is. And how pretty she is.

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