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It had been over two weeks since I lost my phone, almost drowned, and got arrested. As much as I thought things were going to be completely different afterward, everything went back to normal after I got a new phone. Relatively.

A few days before, my course advisor summoned anatomy students to a compulsory meeting, asking all of us to arrive early at school. This caused frustration among many of us because it was scheduled for a Monday, a day we usually had no lectures - we were forced to come in when we hadn't planned to. Myself and several other coursemates showed up early, anticipating it would be about the proposed strike. We waited outside the faculty building as instructed, expecting our course advisor to arrive soon and reveal the meeting location.

Sitting beneath a tent-like structure were Sewa, her friend Bukky, and myself. Bukky occupied a position opposite us, and we were becoming impatient due to Prudence, our coordinator, not yet arriving. This left us with no one to ask about the whereabouts of our course advisor. My neck was aching from constantly scanning the area, while Sewa adjusted her glasses from atop her cornrows to her eyes for a better view. Just as I thought she had spotted our him, she directed my attention elsewhere, revealing that it was actually Ossai passing by. Ossai likely noticed us, but he didn't say "hi", which made Sewa curious about what was going on.

"Isn't that your cousin? You guys are not talking?" Sewa asked.

I glanced around to ensure he couldn't overhear us. "We had a fight after I lost my phone, because it was somehow his fault. I later apologized and I thought things were settled, but it's not the same anymore" I clarified "Usually, he greets me when we see each other, so I'm surprised he didn't say anything this time."

Just as Sewa was about to reply, Rasheed abruptly joined us. He took a seat beside Bukky on the opposite side of the table. We all turned our heads simultaneously toward the faculty building, assuming Rasheed had arrived to inform us about our course advisor's presence, but our assumption was incorrect.

"Please check if they've said anything on the group, I would have, but I'm not with my phone." Rasheed requested Bukky.

Bukky tapped her phone and then shook her head. Rasheed asked about the other 'cruise' group, to which Bukky responded she wasn't on the group.

"Why?" Rasheed probed.

"I left because of the nonsense they're always saying on the group" Bukky replied straightforwardly.

"But is it true there are lesbians in your hostel? Has any of them approached you?" Rasheed raised the topic, which made it clear why Bukky had left the group.

"You're just like my roommate," Bukky chuckled.

"Like your roommate as in-" Rasheed stopped when he felt eyes on him.

Sewa glared at Rasheed, who immediately became defensive and exclaimed, "I swear I'm not homophobic!", Despite his protest, Sewa's stare persisted. Rasheed turned to me, expecting me to defend him, but I also expressed disapproval. He turned back to Sewa, who continued staring until he understood the message clearly. Finally, Rasheed apologized to Bukky, saying, "I'm sorry."

Bukky waved it off and got up to greet someone she was excited to see. It turned out to be Kennedy, and seeing them happily together brought back thoughts I had been avoiding for a while. My reflection was cut short when a car pulled up right in front of the faculty building, facing our direction.

The black Mercedes Benz naturally drew the attention of students, causing murmurs to spread in a fashionable manner. Some students assumed it was our course advisor, but I recognized the car and knew who it belonged to. Investor stepped out of the car, turned around, and opened the door for Prudence to get down. Just when I thought he was going to get back in, Maxwell emerged from the back, causing a brief increase in my heart rate.

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