Chapter 12: Julia needs help.

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Julia sits on the couch one seat away from Bowie, for once there not at each others throats.
"And then GET THIS. He messaged me and asked if I wanted to go to his hockey game! He's so into me it's crazy—" Bowie says getting cut off.
"Yeah but what if he's just being nice? Do you even know if he's gay?" Julia raises an eyebrow.
The more words slip out of Bowies mouth the more Julia drifts off into her own little world.
The smile on her face starts to get more stern and sad, she looks at Bowie like he's the one doing this to her she clenches her fists.
"Anyways enough about me, Do you have eyes for anyone jules? Hm hm" Bowie leans in with a smirk on his face.
Julia Stands up walking away mumbling not answering Bowies question.
Bowie turns with a confused look on his face, "was it something I said?" He though to himself. He shrugged it off as this was normal Julia behavior.

Julia slams her door with rage in her eyes, she stomps over to her vanity and throws all her makeup and photos off the top.
Julia Looks in the mirror red faced full of anger.
She gets a look at herself and stops in her tracks. Tears form in Julia's amethyst eyes, she grabs her blond hair and tugs at it trying to get a reason to be more mad.
Julia's face is covered is mascara, tears and snot.
Julia raps her arms around herself as she makes her way to her loft bed, she tries to find comfort in her weighted blanket and tear filled pillows, Julia hyperventilates until her breaths seems to calm down the more she quits thinking. But it's hard to do that forever.

-flash back-
Little Julia sits on the couch of her house, tears streaming down her red chubby cheeks.
"MAMA PLEASE IM SORRY" the seven year old calls out to her mother standing facing away from her.
As much as Julia pleaded her mother would never respond. She stood there, cigarette in mouth, not even making contact with the child, like she was never there.
Julia tumbles off couch a complete mess, she begs her mother to answer, this was her punishment. She hated the silent treatment.
Julia's mother finally looks down with tears in her eyes, "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I DO FOR YOU? AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME? DO YOU NOT LOVE ME JULIA?" The mother cries out gaslighting the young blond.
The child fell to her knees, she wishes her mother would hit her so she could feel some closure that her mother still cared enough to feel her. She craved her mothers touch, her mothers words, her mothers love.
Julia's mother walks off to her room ignoring the child once again.
-another flash back-
Thirteen year old Julia walks in cold room, but she's not nervous. The officer lifts his arm off the girls shoulder and walks to the corner of the room.
Julia Stands facing her mother, julia gives a disgusted look to the pitiful 34 year old.
"Come here, Baby" Julia's skinny mom calls out with her arms out. Julia steps closer but doesn't reciprocate the hug.
Julia's mom lowers her bony arms and reaches in her pocket.
Julia hasn't seen her mom in a few years, her mother looked disgusting, she was bony and pale, her skin painted with bruises and wrinkles, her hair missing chunks, her teeth stained with yellow and sin to match her breath that reeked of beer and pity.
Julia's mom pulls out a pin, a star pin.
She grabs her daughters shaky hand and places the gift in her soft palm.
"My sweet little Julia, you'll always be my star." Julia's mothers raspy voice whispered closing Julia's hand for her.
Julia tried to hate her meth head mother, but it was so hard to.
A few months later Julia's mom dies of a drug overdose. Julia doesn't find out until after the funeral.

Julia wakes up to check the time, Julia slips out a little "ugh" under her breath knowing she can't go to bed in her messy make up. She didn't quite care right now, this is the closest she's been with her mom in a while.
Who let me right Julia angst 😰.
Julia bpd real(I'm basing this whole chapter off of me cause im sad😒)
also while I'm wrighting this massive sleepover chapter is there any characters/ships you wanna see? Cause I'd be more then glad to wright them for you 🤍

total drama high school auحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن