Chapter 3: Dean

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"Ok so you know who i am. Do you remember your name?" "My name is Delilah. Delilah Winslet." I pick up a cloth and run it under cold water. Fuck what am i going to do!

I was supposed to stay out of trouble tonight, one night! Well at least i can say trouble found me and actually mean it this time.

"What happened?" Delilah asks "Me and my friends were messing around in the kitchen and one of them pushed me into you, then you fell, i tripped over your legs, dropped my beer and then it smashed and cut you." Her eyes aren't open by the time finished my sentence. "Hey, are you ok?" No response "Excuse me? Delilah?" Oh fuck.

"Delilah?" I begin to raise my voice and shake her shoulders "Delilah please wake up!" Not tonight. Of all nights why tonight! I cant deal with this right now, i barely even know how to look after myself never mind a girl i don't know.

She shifts slightly and groans. Thank god. "I think you need to go to hospital, you must have hit your head pretty hard." She shakes her head and winces. "No. No, im fine." I sigh "Look Delilah, i know that we don't know each other but im pretty sure you are lying right now so please will you let me take you to the hospital?" She starts waving her arms around "No! I cant go to the hospital! My mum will freak out!"

Shes gonna hurt herself even more at this rate "Whoa, calm down!" I grab her arms gently and put them to her side "No hospitals, ok, i understand." She sighs "Im fine its just a headache." Now i sigh "Are you sure?" She nods her head again "Im sure."

I start trying to clean her shoulder but in all honesty i have no idea what im doing. You'd think everything I've done and all the injuries I've had that cleaning someone else's arm would be a piece of cake but hell was it wrong.

"This is really deep." Delilah tries to look down but as soon as she moves her head she winces. "Don't move your head, ok?" She nods and leans against the wall again.

Yea theres nooo way im gonna be able to fix this myself. "You said no hospitals, so i wont take you to a hospital but my brother is a doctor can i take you to him? Please?" She opens her eyes slightly and she looks like shes about to say no but instead she says "sure why not" like she doesn't care.

"Ok, im going to my brother so he can pick us up." I scroll for Grayson's number praying he answers and god must of been listening because he answered almost instantly.

"Grayson...Yea its me...Can you pick me up?...No i cant ask mum or dad...Got myself into a small situation...the kind that needs a doctor and i don't know if you remember but you got your degree...Please?...I wouldn't ask if it wasn't serious...thank you so much i owe you one...yea ill send you my location...bye"

I put my phone down and look back to her, to be honest i don't remember her name. I think its Lila? No it started with a D not an L. Dila? Who names their kid Dila? Fuck ill figure it out.

"Im sorry." The girl apologises "What? Why are you sorry?" I press the cloth to her shoulder again. "Because i think I've annoyed you." How do I even reply to that? Ive never met this girl and she's apologising! "No your fine, im not annoyed. Kinda bummed about my beer though."

She opens her eyes quickly like she has an idea just to scrunch them shut again. "I have a beer i didn't drink back where my friends are, you can have it." I chuckle "As nice as that is i don't think drinking a beer is such a great idea right now." Then she chuckles too "You're so funny."

Im funny? Well maybe im better at taking care of woman than i thought? Just wait until i show my brother that i-

Yea no i take that back, she just threw up on me.

"Oh my god im so sorry!" She puts a hand to her head and closes her eyes again.

Im at a loss for words. Ive never been through up in before. "Are you sure you didn't drink?"

She nods "im sure" she doesn't look like the type to drink, but then again she didn't look like she was going to throw up either.

I start trying to wash the vomit off my shirt when my phone starts to buzz and god what a more perfect moment. I pull out my phone and it was Grayson. double perfect.

"Hello... you're outside?... on my way"

I put my wet shirt back on and my flannel over that and turn to the girl again.

"Ok uhhh..." fuck whats her name. She looks me in the eyes and i look back at her. The guilt: first i hurt this girl, now i forget her name!

"My brother who i told you about, Grayson? He's outside so we need to get out there ok? Can you do that?" She nods slowly and pushes herself off the counter only to fall forward but my excellent quick instinct catches her. Maybe I've  earned myself a point. 

"Ok its going to be busy out there, are you ready?" I put one of her arms around my neck and my arm around her back. She didn't even answer the question she just unlocks the door and starts trying to make her way through people.

"Wait!" She stops "i need to tell my friends I'm going if they will worry" another buzz from my phone from Grayson this time its taking me to hurry up. I look back to this girl and she's poking holes into my eyes with her droopy ones. God they are nice. Green but not like grass, its deeper than that.

"Who are your friends?" I shout over the music. "Ariana" she shouts back. "What? Billy's Girlfriend?" She nods her head "Don't worry ill text Billy when we get in the car and he can tell her ok?" She hesitates for a moment and for a second i thought she was going to make a run for it and go beck to her friends but instead she leads us to the front door again "ok" she shouts.

With enough pushing and shoving we reach the front door and honestly i don't every thing I've felt more relief in my life than when i say Grayson's car in the drive.

I help the girl into the back seats and then take my place in the rightful spot of passenger next to my brother.

"What. Did. You. Do." He may have sounded calm but the growl was still there. If this girl wasn't in the car id be getting an absolute telling.

"It was an accident! I tripped she fell bottle smashed, BANG! Then this!" His eyes widened "BANG?!" I put my face in my hands "What kind of bang?!"

This is going to be a long night.

Word count: 1223

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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