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Past the enchanted forest Bailey's pov. That beast could be here any moment we have to protect belle". Bailey said to belle's father. I don't need protection Bailey". A voice said.belle what are you doing here"? Bailey asked shocked. I live here Bailey". Belle replied. I know you live here belle but it's not safe right now that beast could be here any moment and I can't lose you my beauty". Bailey said to belle. I can't lose you either I love you Bailey". Belle replied. I love you too belle". Bailey replied. Belle and Bailey kissed lovingly as Rumplestilskin appeared in a puff of magic oh my what a lovely scene dearies". Rumplestilskin said as he glanced over at belle. Belle get behind me". Bailey said to belle. Nope belle's not going to get behind you Bailey". Rumplestilskin said. She's my girlfriend I'm not going to let you take her from me you beast". Bailey said to rumplestilskin. Beast I'm offended". Rumplestilskin said with a shocked gasp. I however do need a maid for my castle and your precious girlfriend would make the perfect maid". Rumplestilskin said to Bailey. No"! Bailey cried as Rumplestilskin and Belle vanished in a puff of smoke. I will find you belle I'll always find you". Bailey said determinedly. 

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