Chapter One

46 2 2

May 1, 484 I. Y.


Alert. Alert. There has been a break in at the Imperium Facility Center. Do not panic. Alert. Alert.

I sprint away from the room stocked with file cabinets. And in those file cabinets, were of course, files. And one of those files, happen to be the key to finding the truth about everything. That very file, was clutched in both of my hands as I sped through the empty hallways in desperate search of a room. Trying the first door to the left and finding it unlocked, I slipped inside.

Strangely, nobody was in the room, but i wasn't complaining. I took a minute to examine my surroundings and came to the conclusion that this was a locker room. I placed the file on top of one of the lockers.

Scanning the lockers, I found one that was wide open. Must have been in a hurry to get to their job. Peeking inside I found tattered jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. I tugged the sweatshirt on over my shirt, and quickly switched my bottoms to the tattered jeans.

You're probably wondering why I changed my clothes. I did this because the security cameras might've caught what I was wearing, before I disabled it. Though this was unlikely, I couldn't risk it. Not when I was so close.

Grabbing the file, I made my way to the door. I pulled the hood of the sweatshirt as far as it would go, trying to cover my face as much as possible. The door made a loud creaking noise as I opened it. I cringed. Damn those squeaky hinges. I curse.

Looking down at the ground I continue to walk forward. I bump into something solid and warm. On the ground right in front of my feet, are a pair of black, laced up combat boots. And connected to those boots are a pair of legs in brown skinny jeans. Inch by inch, my eyes slowly drag upwards, and land on a tanned face. It's a boy who looks to be in his twenties. His hair is jet black and is styled into a messy quiff. He has both a fine jawline, and sharp cheekbones. A small smirk dances on his lips. Crap.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" he sneers. "You don't look like you work here... but I'll give you credit for trying. You obviously forgot the minor detail that we all wear uniform here."

I mumble, annoyed as he grabs for me and begins dragging me down the hall.

"Any words of objection?" he snickers.

I contemplate what to reply for a couple seconds and grin sarcastically. "Take me to your leader."


I learned that the boy's name was Jay and that he was one of the major guards that work at the IFC. The IFC stands for 'The Imperium Facility Center'. This place wasn't as important as The Reverie, so I figure that my punishment won't be as bad.

Jay led me to a square, gray room. I sat in a wooden chair that had swirls engraved on the upper part. In front of me was a metal table, polished to the point where I can see myself as if I was looking into a mirror. On the opposite side of the table was a simple white plastic chair. The walls were a light shade of grey with chipped spots here and there. There were no windows to be seen, the only source of light a tall lamp in one corner of the room.

"Someone will be here to interrogate you in a couple. And don't try anything stupid," Jay informs me as he exits the room.

My eyes dart around, unable to settle in one spot. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror like table. My hair isn't as curly as it used to be. It's almost completely straight. It was tinted red with a hint of brown. There are evident bags under my eyes making me older, without me actually aging. My lips are thin and a light shade of pink, complementing my eyes, which were a light shade of blue with flecks of dark blue. My face, however, was paler than usual. Probably a result of avoiding going outside. I wasn't ugly, but I wasn't beautiful either.

A soft knock sounds behind me and I jump in alarm. An elderly woman enters the room and closes the door gently behind her. She smiles apologetically at me and sits on the plastic white chair across from me.

"Now, you have some explaining to do," I groan softly and nod.


I AM SO SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT FOR A SECOND CHAPTER. I have brainstormed a lot of ideas, so hopefully I'll be updating more often. Ooh and I'm not going to tell you who I think would play Violet, because I'd like for you guys to imagine her to your own liking :) also, sorry about the short chapter! There's not really anything else to say so imma go now...

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