Chapter Two

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Recap: "Now, you have some explaining to do," I groan softly and nod.

"Well my parents, they're dead." I began.

She gave me a pitiful look and I scoffed. "No no, don't bother with the pity." I continued, "Anyways, seven years ago, they got sent to the Outside World. They didn't visit me or contact me for a whole year. I found out why. It was because they died." I shoot her a bored glance.

"Honey, I still don't understand why you stole this file," she took something out of a bag next to her and placed it on the table. A file. The file I should've been reading right now.

"I took it to find out what exactly happened to my parents."

"But there's nothing unusual about their um... passing. Perhaps it was just a natural death? Happens all the time."

"It can't be a natural death. I know it wasn't. They were perfectly healthy before their parting." Despite trying my best to avert my eyes, they couldn't help but wander over to the file. I resisted the urge to grab the file off of the table.

"What else could it have possibly been?" She paused, "It certainly wasn't because of the Outside World."

"Wasn't it?" I glare.

She shifts in her seat and warily says,"Since you are technically a minor, I will go easy on you and just give you detention every day for two months."

"Fine," I mutter, not bothering to mention the fact that she ignored my question.

She got up and gestured for me to do the same. Opening the door for me she gave me another pitiful glance. I sighed and shook my head. Pity. I hate it. It makes you seem weak and helpless. And I don't want to be that. Ever.

Jay was waiting outside the door to escort me to the exit. "I've sent for a hovercar to pick you up," he said as we walked through the endless halls.

After what seemed like hours we finally got to the exit of the Imperium Facility Center. Just like he said, a hovercar was waiting to take me home. There I'd have to explain how I got into this mess in the first place. Yay! (Note the sarcasm).

"I will be your escort to and from the detention center, so you won't pull any idiotic tricks like you did today," Jay said as I opened the door to the passenger seat.

I stayed silent and slid into the leather seat. The driver nodded to me and I nodded back.

Not a single word was said the whole ride. "Bye," I waved as I opened the car door. The driver stared straight ahead and didn't reply. I coughed awkwardly and left the car.


My parents weren't that mad. They were angry at first. But after they heard it was because of my parents, they pretty much backed off.

I wasn't one hundred percent sure why. I'm guessing it's because they pitied me. But like I said, pity makes you weak. And I hate being weak.

Ever since my breakdown when my parents died, I've never cried in front of anyone again. And I don't plan on doing that in the future.

My parents talk in hushed voices across the dinner table, as if I wasn't there.

I cleared my throat, pushed my chair back, and stood up. "May I be excused?" I asked in a scratchy voice.

My mom nodded and dismissed me with a wave of her hand. Then she went back talking to my dad in that hushed voice of theirs.

I sighed and walked up the stairs, to my bedroom. The walls of my room were painted a turquoise shade. I had a dresser and a desk, along with one of those roller chairs. My bed was a king with a peach duvet cover.

Pulling back the duvet, I fell back onto my bed. The warmth of the blankets enveloped me and I welcomed it. Tomorrow I would have to go back to school and start my detention. To be honest, I was a little nervous. I shook off the anxious thoughts and fell asleep with the events of today on my mind.


I SUCK AT UPDATING SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG FOR A SECOND CHAPTER. I knoww, I should update moreee. But sometimes I just don't have time for writing, so sorry.

Anyways, sorry for the short chapter again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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