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  you were standing at the edge of a bridge as you thinked about your whole life with an emotionlessly blank face. your [e/c] eyes were filled with dark empty voids. they were so harsh on you, day and night, you never got to rest from their abusive-ness. your father died in a car accident when you were 10, since then, your brother took it as the opportunity to go against you. your mother also started to drink and hook up with dozen of creeps.

  because of your brother cunning mask and his blaming lies, he became the favourite of your whore of a mother. it hurts, but, you got used to it as you grew up. you seeked for some attention, but every attempts yoy tried failed.you made yourself to begin to force yourself to think that the everyday abuse was love so that you could feel something called being "loved".

you made yourself to begin to force yourself to think that the everyday abuse was love so that you could feel something called being "loved"

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you were in your middle school days when you received a love letter in your locker,

meet me at the rooftop after school, I've got something to tell you <3
-Shizuki Kaido

kaido was a second year student and is your crush since elementary school. you were filled with joy and everything that had the same meaning as happiness. for once, you felt it, you felt truly loved. but will it last..

you went up at the rooftop after school just as the letter was said. . . . when you arrived at the at the rooftop door, you were met with a bucket filled with cold water over your head after opening it. you heard laugher coming from some girls, you knew who they were and will always knew. you removed the bucket off your head and smiled at them.

"what're you smiling at ugis!?" one of the girl said and continue smiling

just then, Shizuki Kaido, your longing crush appeared from behind one of the girl.

☆KIDNAPPED☆ // S. Manjiro x reader 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now