The mountain of Maerve part 3

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Jaypith gasped as Ciara- or rather Fate- raised her hand and with a giant crash the rubble seemed to blow outwards with explosive force.

"My lady!" Jaypith objected as she walked through the dust. "There could be an ambush beyond!"

"We know what lies ahead." The voices said coolly, as Jaypith followed after her wildly. She looked as though she was calmly walking, but every step was three or four of his own- she seemed to glide over the rubble.

"Come!" Jayoith called to Rion, who ran up with the others. The dust began to settle and the dark night sky shone through.

"Hold or die!" A Nevad voice demanded, speaking in the Valian language with a stark accent. "Step no further!!"

Jayoith cursed as he saw the Seer gliding directly towards a quickly gathering mass of Soldiers, all bearing crossbows and swords. She seemed calm and serene as they held their weapons aimed at her. They had evidently seen the signs of the portal opening as the light had shot across the sky- something that Jaypith had only seen once in his lifetime as a youth... That had been when the demon that killed his brother had entered the world. These Nevad were ready to stop whatever had appeared in the ruins of the mountain caverns, as though this girl herself was a demon.

She waved her hand slowly. Suddenly white fire erupted, and screams as the Nevad burst into flames before their eyes. Rion gasped as trees burst into flame, and arrows turned to dust as they were shot off- falling like black rain to the ground. Sick screaming and yelling rent the air as the entire army that had blocked their freedom fell and died, slowly burning alive. The smell in the air was sickening.

Jaypith put his hands to his ears in shock until the last cry ended, and suddenly the flames all extinguished.

The only light in the darkness came from the ethereal glow around the small girl's frame as she turned to Jaypith, gliding back towards him like a ghost.

"Th-thank you." Jaypith managed to say, his heart pumping erratically in his chest.

"I repeat my warning." The voices said, and she stood before him.

Stumbling for a second, Jaypith fell to his knees, bowing his head before her. When he looked back up, she was reaching out her hand to touch him. She touched his head with a single finger, just above his eyes.

He gasped as visions entered his head. He saw the girl, Ciara, dead in a black room- her throat slit. He saw her running from a large Arach spider, and stumbling. Then she was falling off a waterfall, and was on the battlefield arrayed in armor that looked strange on her small frame, and she was pulling an arrow from his own shoulder. He shuddered.

"There are many ways in which this vessel will need your protection." The voices said softly. "And many in which you shall need hers. You must allow her to train with caution and awareness, and you must also be her protector. Until she reaches the Temple and is sealed properly to the stone, she will have moments of great weakness and vulnerability that may compromise the fate of many. Make me a vow, Jaypith son of Lyon. Vow to protect her at all costs- even against your own father if needs be."

He saw a flash of his father's face, mottled and red with anger, and winced. What did this mean? What did these images mean? Were these merely possibilities... or actual events that would surely happen?

"I vow to do this, and swear complete fealty to the Seer and her purpose." Jaypith said, eyes wide. "I will defend her with my life, ...even against my father if need be."

"Very well, Jaypith son of Lyon. You shall be blessed for your work, should you hold true to your word." The voices said seriously. "Stand true to the prophecy. Stand true to your word."

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