Leaving Maerve Part 5

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We were tired, and we set up the fire and ate with utter exhaustion. There was no music this time, but people went straight to their bed rolls and furs and laid out on the ground. I saw two men trade off the watch, and Rion sat next to my fur bed with a theatrical groan.
"Saddles are a pain." I noted, raising an eyebrow and looking beyond my bed with annoyance. I was too tired to talk much, and wondered why he came and found me. I yawned deeply.
"Indeed." Rion said, smiling genially but tiredly. "However, I much prefer it to walking."
"Look- it's not that I don't appreciate the small talk-" I said tiredly, "but aren't you going to ... you know, sleep? Like, not on a tree?"
He grinned. "No."
Thoroughly confused I sat up and glared at him.
"So what, you're just going to sit here and prattle at me?" I asked, huffily.
His grin widened as he took in my reaction, and he shook his head, chuckling.
"I am on guard duty." He said simply. "You can simply ignore me."
Surprised, the annoyance left me quickly.
"Guarding what?"
He chuckled, looking at me pointedly.
My eyes widened, as I realized either he or Jaypith had been nearby and usually awake every night so far. Even during the day one of them or both were nearby. I felt dumb- I had even remarked that Jaypith looked tired this morning, and he did not say anything. He must have traded off with Rion tonight.
"Why? I'm not about to run away- I've got nowhere to go."
Rions smile vanished, replaced by concern. "We are not holding you captive- I hope you know that."
I frowned. "Well right- because I've got nowhere to go...like I said."
"No, not like that." Rion shook his head, clearly bothered by my words. "We are guarding you for your own safety."
Bothered by my incredulous look, he continued.
"We have a regular patrol around the camp as well- but the Nevad got a good eyeful of the sky the night you came. ...When the portal opens, strange lights are usually visible in the sky above, rippling about... a pity we were stuck in Maerve really, we did not get to see them. There are some- Dark ones specifically- who know what that light means. They will be on the lookout for you, and since Jaypith and I are most equipped to keep you safe we take turns being by your side."
That explained their near constant presence.
"I'm not sure it's worth losing sleep over." I said awkwardly. "I mean- a 'dark one' would show up and probably murder Kein over me. I don't look like a Seer or whatever. At least I'm assuming I don't."
"That is an interesting thought." Rion said, sounding amused. "But most likely they would capture and torture anyone they found regardless, so we shall simply hope to avoid such interactions."
I shuddered, only partially from the cold.
"As for Kein- he is probably safest of us all- he can hide in plain sight, that lad." Rion shook his head at a memory.
"How many dark ones have you seen, anyway?" I asked hesitantly. "It's not like every Ne-Nevad is a dark one, I assume?" I stumbled over the unfamiliar word.
"No, thank fate." Rion said with a sigh. "They are plentiful enough for how much harm they cause- they possess people who are foolish enough to let them in. They could reside in anyone."
"Oh." I said, surprised by this information. "But then- how do I know you aren't a Dark One?"
Rion laughed with surprise, "Do you think I am cohorting with demons? You think so little of me."
"No-" I shook my head with embarrassment,"I just mean- how do you know who is a dark one and who isn't? If they possess people? You said they could be anyone."
"They possess a person for a purpose- usually they will make themselves known with time."
He looked thoughtful for a moment as though remembering something dark. "Sometimes you can note a person's sudden change in behavior, or their sudden ability to light things on fire or bring about darkness on a clear day. Perhaps their eyes may glare with an odd light occasionally, or you will see a shadow in the whites of their eyes. There are things to look for- but generally if you are on your guard they cannot possess you. They can only possess those who allow them possession. The Nevad religion makes way for them to come to this world upon occasion, especially since they worship such beings. They assume that any chaos that happens is the will of their god, and accept anything a Dark One may do."
I blinked. That was a lot to swallow.
"You should sleep, my lady." Rion said by way of ending the conversation. "We have an early morning coming again."
"Right- because I can definitely sleep peacefully now." I muttered.
He chuckled.
After a long day of riding in the sun though, I found I had far less trouble falling asleep than expected.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 07 ⏰

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