Chapter 23

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*Bella's POV*

When Jake and I get back to our house, I decide to check my email. I see I have an email from Edward, I open it.
'Bella we need to talk. It's about Victoria, please get back to me. Thanks Edward' I think about what I just read for a couple of minutes. Then I make the decision to email him back.
'Edward we will talk before school tomorrow.' I'm not sure if I'm happy with the decision I'm making, he could just be trying to play me. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
"Who you talking to Bella?" Jake says as he comes into our room.
"Nobody baby." I say as I close to computer. I'm not going to tell Jake anything until I find out what exactly is going on. I don't want him to worry.
"What are you kids doing home?" Billy says as he wheels past our door.
"I pulled her out of school at lunch, Sam caught her and Edward fighting in the forest this morning." Jake as he rubs my back.
"Fighting how?" Billy says now that he entered the room. I don't mind Billy being around, I like him I think of him as my other dad.
"First me and Edward just talking, and then he put his hand on my shoulder and I push him away. He came closer and closer and I flipped, we started screaming at each other. He still kept on trying to touch me, luckly Sam was there to save me." I say leaning my head against Jacob's chest. He's so warm, I love it. I know I made the right choice by choosing Jacob not Edward. Edward's always cold. when we kiss it's like I'm kissing the floor for how cold his lips were. Edward never could lose control of himself around me or else I would become the meal. Jacob on the other hand is constantly warm. He's perfect he's everything I've ever wanted,, everything I've ever needed. I don't have to worry about Jacob killing me when we kiss, or be around each other. Jacobs family doesn't scare me either unlike Cullen family. Now that I'm looking back at my relationship with Edward, I realize how stupid I was to fall in love with a vampire, and to think that I actually wanted to become one of them. I know what I want now, and it has nothing to do with them. I'm okay being friends with the Cullens but there's going to be nothing more.
"What are we going to do about tomorrow?" Billy asks.
"I'm going to school. I have to talk to Edward about something in the morning, but I making sure my friends are going to be there."
"What do you have to talk to him about Bella?" Jake asked looking at me curiosity spread throughout his whole face.
"He sent me an email saying he had to talk to me about Victoria. He wanted me to meet up with them but I said that we would talk at school."
"Why don't you have Jacob and the pack come with you to school. It will be easier then having to explain a vampire to your human friends." Billy says put your hand on my knee.
"If that can be arranged, that would be great!" I say to the boys.
"I'll call Sam and see if he can have an emergency pack meeting. None of us are at school anyways, we all came to check on you once Sam made of distress call to me." Jake gets up and grabs his phone and walks past his dad, leaving Billy and I to talk. Billy and I talked about school and the pack, and the history of the pack. It's actually quite interesting. Billy was an alpha once, before he got hurt. Billy also says that Jake should become alpha. Jake never mentioned the alpha thing to me. I don't know if he really wants to be alpha. Billy and I talked for a good 30 minutes, which is surprising that Jake has been on the phone that long. Jake enters the room.
"Come on there waiting for us at Emily's house the rest of the pack is already there." Jake says holding his out for me. I grab my coat then grab Jake's hand and we leave.

Once we're at Emily's house Sam has me speak first.
"When I got home I checked my email and saw that there was an email from Edward, so I opened it to see what he wanted. The email pretty much said that he wanted to talk about Victoria, apparently she's still around and looking for me I guess. I told him that we would talk at school tomorrow morning. Then I told Jake and Billy about the plans and Billy said that I should have you guys come with me considering the fact that you guys are my family, and my protectors. Would you guys want to come with me tomorrow morning to my school? I can have Edward meet me in the forest right out side our school." it's a couple minutes of silence when a bunch of the pack number say 'yeah we should go with Bella she doesn't deserve to face them alone!'
"Okay Bella, we will meet you in the forest outside your school tomorrow morning." Sam says. I'm kind of scared to talk to at work tomorrow. I pull out my phone and send Edward another email saying to meet me in the forest tomorrow morning before school. Jake and I talk with the pack for a little longer about more details, until I started to get really tired and I wanted to go home so I could sleep. Jake drove me home and I went straight to bed without even eating dinner, and went right to sleep next to Jake, who is so warm. I love him to death. He is way better than Edward, I have made a good choice not choosing Edward.

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