Chapter 30

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Bella's POV

Everyone told me that I now have Sam as a body guard for school.  That my dad approved and made it an order.  "Bella... can we talk?"  Billy said.  I was looking out the living room window at the boys in the back yard.  "Yeah, What's up?"  I asked.  "I told Charlie what is going on."  I looked at him in shock. Then I realized that i'm hugging Billy.  "Thank you! I don't know how we would have told him."  I said as I hugged him one last time before he left to go on a fishing trip with Charlie.  "Well I better go kid.  I'll see you when I get home."  I grabbed his bag for him and right at that time Charlie pulled up. I walked him out and I gave my dad a hug.  We didn't say anything.  I waved good bye then went back inside.  The boys were still outside wrestling.  I decided to go to the kitchen to make some food.  My appetite is up, I can eat a lot more.  My strength is definitely improving, but my smelling isn't quiet up there yet.  I still smell like a human not a werewolf.  Jake said it will get better with time.  That the transfer is not taking as long as he thought.  I decided I would make meatloaf with mashed potatoes.  I get the peppers ready to be put in the oven within 30 minutes.  I check on the boys while the peppers are cooking.  They are still wrestling like children.  It's nice to see them like this because soon I'll be like that.  I'm scared.  I didn't realize how much time has passed but my timer went off and I went to the peppers.  I checked them and they were not done yet.  I put them in for another 10 minutes because there was still lots of pink in it.  Jake says that a lots of pink for me right now would be like a regular human eating it and they would get sick so no pink.  I hear the door open.  "Foods not done yet."  I didn't hear anything.  "Hello?  Boys?  It's not funny!"  I said as I went threw the house.  There was no one in the house.  I turned around and I saw the last person on earth I ever wanted to see.  "What are you doing here Edward?"  I said threw gritted teeth.  My blood was boiling and I wanted him out of my sight.  "You didn't hear?  Boundary line if off."  He said.  We were in the living room now.  I looked out and still saw the boys wrestling.  They didn't know that Edward was here.  "You need to leave before you get hurt." I said.  He went to reach for me and I charged at him.  He moved and I stopped myself from hitting the wall.  He was now right where I wanted him.  Right in front of the window.  I charged at him faster this time and he didn't have time to react.  We went through the window and I was kicking his ass.  Taking all my anger out.  "BELLA!!" Quil said as he was pulling me off of Edward.  I got out of his grasp and went after Edward again.  "You hurt me!"  I said in a voice that scared all of us.  Even Jake.  "BELLA!" Jake said in his alpha voice but I didn't back down.  Not this time.  Edward got away from me again.  I was shaking uncontrollably.  "Everyone get back!"  Jake said.  Everyone who was trying to hold me back now were far away.  Backing up slowly and holding there hands out in front of them.  

Jake's POV

We were wrestling when we heard glass break and saw Bella and that blood sucker.  He deserved what he was getting but I knew something wasn't right.  Once I saw he shaking I knew it was happening.  "Everyone get back.  Let her go get back!"  I said that and everyone got back.  I even did.  Edward kept his distance not knowing what was happening.  The next thing I knew I see a beautiful snow white werewolf, with purple eyes and she was so beautiful.  SO perfect.  So mine!  I can tell that she just imprinted on me you can see it.  That's good though.  She is now mine forever.  "Okay You got this far."  I said walking toward her slowly with my hands out.  "Time to get you back to human."  I said.  "Go get her clothes!" I yelled to who ever would listen.  Edward was standing in shock.  The 'love of his life' now mine.  She is talking.  I can hear her.  Everyone in the pack can hear her.  What the hell that didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.  UM. I think I imprinted on you Jake.  How the hell do I get back into human form?  "It's okay babe! Yeah we can hear you.  Think of something that calms you down. That is how you come back.  Same as if you want to change think of something bad but to get back think of good."  I said.  Within 2 minutes she was back.  Seth handed her clothes and she got dressed.  "That was wow!"  Bella said as she walked over to me.  She kissed me and didn't stop.  "Do I get those stupid lessons that you had to do with Seth or sense I watched and studied it I don't need them?"  I thought about it.  "We will see.  For now no, but fuck up and yes you will."  She shock her head and kissed me again.  "I love you Jacob!"  She said in my ear before she walked away to go inside.  With in 2 minutes she reappeared.  "Dinner!"  She yelled.  

Bella's POV

Sense I changed I can smell 4000 times better.  I know what vampires smell like and it makes me want to puke.  I go check on the food and there is still pink but sense I changed I can eat the pink so I call it done.  Edward was still outside when I called for dinner.  I didn't look at him.  I couldn't.  

At the table

"So what are you going to wear?"  Embry says.  "Um, What ever I wear."  I said looking at him.  "Better be something that it can break."  Jake said looking at me smiling.  I decided to just stay in what i'm wearing.  It was nice to be part of the pack.  "Sam is still going with you.  Control tomorrow at school."  Jake said.  I shock my head.  "Come on.  Lets get some rest."  I nodded my head and followed Jake to our room.  We cuddled and he was still warmer than me.  I had to go to the bathroom and when looked in the mirror I didn't know who was in the mirror.  She was tan. I liked the girl I was looking at.  I was now a pack member.  "NO your Luna."  Jake said wrapping his arms around my waist carrying me back to bed.  "Luna?" I asked.  "Alpha's wife."  I smiled.  "Challenged accepted."  I said.  I kissed Jake like I never kissed him before.  I was on top and we were ripping the clothes off of each other.  I was going to have sex with the love of my life. At that thought I smiled and let him take control.  I would no longer be a virgin.  I'm just glad Jacob was the one to take it.  

Thanks for reading.  How is it? You like the book?  I love you guys and Keep on messaging me.  I even got a private message and it made my night.  (U know who you are and I wanted to say THANK YOU for making my night!)  I love you all!!!! Thank you so much.  Vote and comment and feel free to private message me.  If you have any ideas let me know.  Don't forget to share!!!

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