A Chill Goes Through Her Veins

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Beckett steps out of her car

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Beckett steps out of her car... all cop. Esposito and Angel approach, Esposito holding a cup of coffee. He hands it to Beckett.

Male Officer: Would all workers please clear the construction site?

Esposito: Why can't they find bodies between 9 and 5?

Beckett: Well, early bird gets the collar.

Esposito: Yeah.

Castle emerges from the crowd. Esposito sees Beckett react.

Angel: He was here before we were.

Castle: Oh. Finally. You are here. You're gonna love this.

Beckett, Angel and Esposito follow Castle to the site. They near the crime scene, moving through the small crowd of workers who look on.

Ryan: Come on. Show's over. Active crime scene. We appreciate your cooperation.

They come upon Lanie, amidst the crossbars, examining a body. She's wearing a gown and above her, tangled in the rebar, is a ripped, tattered garment bag.

Castle: Awesome, right? My first cold case. Come on. It's a little funny.

Lanie: Not so much funny as true. She's frozen solid.

Angel: Oh my god.

Beckett: What was the temperature last night?

Ryan: Mid-40s.

Lanie: It wasn't exposure.

Esposito: Site's active. Boys tell me there's no way she was here last night.

Beckett: She's melting.

Maybe we should be looking for ruby slippers.

Beckett: Yeah, while you're at it, why don't you look for some flying monkeys? Maybe they left her here. (to Lanie) So what do you got for me?

Lanie: There are pieces of plastic on her body from the garment bag.

Angel: She was inside the bag.

Lanie: Mmm-hmm. Other than that, it's gonna take a while for her to thaw. I can tell you, she hasn't been here long. Maybe a couple of hours.

Beckett: What about security?

Esposito: Chain link. A pair of bolt cutters took care of that.

Ryan: Looks like our guy was hoping she'd disappear into the concrete pour.

Esposito: A few more feet, and she would've.

Castle: It's kind of odd, taking the trouble to freeze a body and then dumping it. We got two personality types working here. A killer who freezes a body is a keeper. He wants a souvenir. But a guy who dumps a body --

Beckett: Doesn't want to be reminded of the crime. Alright, I'm gonna go check out the fence.

Esposito: Mm-hmm.

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