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(This episode features Beanie facts, Information about everyone's favorite sleepy Nephalim)

Daten City. A veritable vortex of necessary waste.

A place where people are always digging for the newest tastiest nugget of gold.

But trends like bodily functions happen. What's passionately picked one day, is destined to be flicked to the side the next.

What's happening in the city of Daten is a new trend, picking noses. Now usually this wouldn't be a big deal because people are always picking their noses right? Well now, everyone is doing it, at the same time in the same places. But that's not important right now. What "is" important is what's happening with our least favorite trio. Let's see they're at a cafe, Stocking's eating something sweet, Beanie's got a gas mask on covering his face, Panty's picking her nose, all the while people pass them picking their noses...Other than the nose-picking people this all seems fine...Let's investigate just in case.

Stocking: Tell me you're not picking your nose in public.

Panty: It's called Oscar Picker therapy and it's officially a thing. Here check it out.

Panty hands Stocking a magazine and she and Beanie look it over whilst Panty digs deeper into her nose.

Panty: Fuck yeah, mucus membranes, get fingered~ MMM~ Look sugar-tits everyone's doin' it!

Stocking tosses the book.

Stocking: Nothing personal, but you're an ass.

Beanie: And we know you on a personal level.

*Beanie Fact #1- Beanie's favorite color is yellow*

Panty's still picking her nose.

Stocking: Could you stop, I'm trying to eat.

Panty: That shit looks like what I'm pickin', who's an ass now?

Beanie: 10 bucks says that's true.

Panty: How 'bout a one-night stand to go with it?

Beanie: In your dreams.

Panty then gets intimate with her nose-picking.

Stocking: You should try some, you nose whore, they just put it on the menu. It's gooey goodness that still has enough crunch to get stuck in your teeth.

Beanie: Sounds pretty good.

Stocking: It's awesome! It's made from this extra thick 108% egg cream. It's a goddamn sweet revolution! Sticky little nougat I love you so~

Panty and Beanie looked at her with as little enthusiasm as possible. That's when Panty pulled out a booger which...Oh no fucking way...

Oh no fucking way

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Panty and Stocking with Beanie and Garterbelt(Panty and Stocking x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now