Chapter 1: Lila's Debut

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Aaron POV

You'd figure that after what happened with Hawkmoth, things would be a lot more smoother. That after our trip to Shanghai, we'd finally get to enjoy our school year along with the new student who entered our year.

Sadly, you are wrong. And you're wondering:

"Why are you like this, Aaron?"

Well, Christian and Jocelyn hate my guts because I'm dating Kaliannaand...

" I'm sure you've all heard by now, but Lila's home from her trip to Achu and she's back in school with us again." Mrs Bustier announced.

... that.

As if Hawkmoth's new ally wasn't bad enough, we now have to deal with LIla Rossi, who I heard from Gloria , is a real psycho and an attention seeker. As she entered, she beamed.

"Oh, a seat in the front row! You all remembered my hearing issue! You're such sweethearts, all of you." Lila announced, blowing a kiss at us.

Kill me. I thought.

"You have a hearing problem?" Marinette asked, glaring at her.

Lila gave her a fake sweet smile.

" Yes, I suffer from , a constant ringing in my left ear. I've had it ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my eardrum on the runaway when I was saving 's lost kitten." Lila replied.

Everyone gasped in awe.

"Hold on? Doesn't Jagged Stone have a pet crocodile?" Ryder pointed out.

I looked back and gave him a grateful smile. Thank God someone has brains in this class. Lila cleared her throat before replying.

"Now it is, yes. But he had a kitten until he found out he was allergic to it."

Ryder simply narrowed his eyes in suspicion, "Did you not hear what I-"

"The best part is," Lila slides closer to Adrien, who leans back in discomfort and scoots towards the edge of his seat to get away from her, "Since you're such an excellent student, Adrien, you'll be able to help me catch up on all the schoolwork I missed while I was traveling with my parents. Would you do that for me?" she bats her eyelashes.

Adrien mouthed "Kill me" at Kalianna and I.

"Actually, Lila, Adrien's schedule is full this week because of his father. He is a model, so I doubt he has any free time." Gloria revealed, saving her boyfriend.

"Hallelujah." I whispered while Adrien sighed with relief.

"Okay...Thanks, Gloria." Lila grits her teeth.

"Miss Bustier, why do I have to sit in the back now?" Marinette asked.

"Because that's where you belong." Kalianna muttered.

"Do you have any trouble hearing or seeing, Marinette?" Miss Bustier asked.

"Uh, I... I..." Marinette stammered.

" My eyesight and hearing are good. I'll sit in the back of the class and you two can sit up front. I don't mind." Adrien suggested.

"No!" Both girls cried, much to Adrien's shock.

"My return is causing so much trouble, maybe I should have just stayed on the other side of the world. If Marinette has an issue too, then I should be the one to go and sit in the back. It's okay." Lila said sadly.

The class glared at Marinette, much to her chagrin.

Gloria  stands up, turning to Lila, "Don't mind Marinette, Lila. She can be a tad...emotional at times.  And Marinette has been in a sour mood ever since Adrien and I returned from Shanghai."

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