Chapter 3: A long awaited reunion/Marinne

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Aaron POV

After receiving a call from Wayzz about Master Fu, I had to make my way to his shop. As soon as I arrived, I quietly kneeled next to his level as the doctor checked on him.

"Doctor...? Is he going to be okay?" I asked.

"Of course he is. You know what men are like: one little hiccup and they think they're dying."

"My time has come!" Master Fu states dramatically before passing wind.

I sighed.

"What is the relationship between you two?" She asked.

"He's my martial arts mentor." I replied.

The doctor handed me a prescription, "Here you go. Fetch this from the pharmacy and he'll be back on his feet in no time."

I nodded and put it in my pocket.

"And don't forget to eat more veggies, Mr. Chan. You need fiber, for guts' sake!" the doctor chuckles and leaves as Kraw and Wayzz appeared.

"Mr Chang?" I asked.

"You can never be too careful..."

"Right." I replied as I pulled a blanket over him.


"Yes, Master Fu?" 

 "If anything happens to me, I want you, Kalianna, Gloria and Adrien  to take care of the Miracle Box. You'll be the new guardians."

I felt a sense of uncertainty inside me. "I don't think we're ready for that responsibility."

"I am 186 years old, remember? The doctor doesn't know that."

"Makes sense." I shrugged. "I'll get the prescription. But, I gotta hurry. Kalianna and the others are waiting for me."

"Wait! That's not why I called you here." Master Fu holds up a letter, "I need you or one of your partners to go to the address written here down on the river banks at 11am. You'll see a woman there wearing a pretty brooch shaped like a Chinese ideogram. Give her this letter."

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Someone I've always loved, but have never seized the moment to tell..."

"Hard to imagine you out of all people having a sweetheart, Master." I teased.

"I'd say the same about you and Kalianna." The old man playfully countered.

I chuckled. "Ok. You got me there. But, why today?"

"Because I'm just realizing that I've waited way too long. I don't know how much time I have left, but I don't want to waste another moment." Master Fu told me.

"Alright. I'll get to it." I said and stood up.

"Thank you." he said in a frail voice.

"Bring the medication back fast! I don't care what the doctor said, I don't have a good feeling about this." Wayzz called.

"Got it!" I replied and left with Kraw.

Timeskip(Outside the Pharmacy)

After getting the prescription, I felt my phone vibrate. I answered and heard Kalianna's voice.

"Babe, where are you?" She asked.

"I got an errand to do for Master Fu.I'm almost done." I replied.

"Better hurry. Chloe isn't here yet  and this is the only time Hawkmoth hasn't launched an attack." Kalianna told me.

"Give me a few more minutes. I'll be there." I replied.

"Ok. I'll wait. But, please hurry. The train will leave any minute now." Kalianna pleaded.

"Hang tight, Kitty. I'll be there." I replied and hung up.

   As I made my way to the River Seine bank, I saw the woman that Master Fu was talking about and smiled.

"Hi. Are you Ms Leonir?" I asked.

"I am, dear. But, I don't believe we've met." She replied.

"You could say that I'm a friend. I have a letter from... a special someone... that's how I know you. I apologize if I seemed rude or suspicious for knowing that beforehand." I said.

Ms. Lenoir shakes her head and places a comforting hand over mine.

"It's alright, my dear. Now... I have a very good feeling I know who the letter is from. May I see it?"

I nodded and gave her the letter. As she read it, a great smile played on her lips.

"Ms Leonir?" I asked.

"I'm alright, my dear. Go now...the less we talk, the safer your secret will be...but thank you. I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time!" She said.

I smiled and bowed to her.

"Thank you, Ms Leonir."

And with that, I left.

Kalianna POV

"He should be here by now." Kagami said.

"He'll be here. We just have to wait." I reassured her.

Come on, Aaron. I really don't want you to miss out.

"HEY!" A voice called.

I looked to see Aaron running towards me. As he stopped, he fixed his hair and smiled.

"I'm not late, am I?" He asked.

"Actually, you got here just in time." I replied.

Aaron sighed with relief and offered his arm.

"Shall we, Milady?"

I chuckled and hooked his arm with mine.

"But of course, Good Sir." No one POV

Mr. Ramier feeds his pigeons while Fu and Marianne are sitting on the bench.

"Marianne, I-/Fu, I-" the two speak at the same time before they chuckle gingerly.

"Marianne, I'm sorry I took so long to come here. I always felt as long as I was in charge of the Miracle Box, I'd be a danger to anyone I'm close to...but that's all in the past now."

Marianne places her hand on his, "I know you always wanted to do what's best. I know what a responsibility it is being the Guardian of the Miraculous. We can't be together again until Hawk Moth's been defeated."

"I have full trust in the ones I have chosen." Fu told her as they held hands, "They will succeed."

"Now it's my turn to go and hide, my sweet darling Fu."

"Marianne, I've never told you this but I...I..."

Marianne puts her finger on his lips, "Shh. Save it for when I get back."

Mr. Ramier lets out wistful tears looking at the couple.


"How was London, you two?" Jessica asked Kalianna and Aaron.

"Well, while a wedding didn't seem like my scene, I had a lot of fun. We rented some rooms and we went on a carriage ride. The four of us got to see some of the most prestigious schools in London. Then, while Gloria, Kagami, Chloe and Adrien  explored the grounds, We took some pictures. Look." Kalianna showed her friends the pictures. "There's one of Gloria and Adrien falling also on each other."

As everyone laughed, Marinette grunted and crossed her arms.  

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