Chapter 4: Miraculous Swap/ Reflektadoll

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Aaron POV

"Another akuma bites the dust." I sighed as the Miraculous Cure reverted the damage caused by the akuma.

"I don't call the shots. Golden Leopard is the leader, Nightbird is the second in command, my lady is the pretty and intelligent one and I'm just the cunning, ultra-charming Chat Noir." the black cat hero spins his staff and leans on it.

"As if you have it easy." Golden Leopard said, checking her claws.

"Easy? That's 'cause I make it look easy." Cat Noir replied.

"Yeah, but imagine having to run around in the shoes I wore when I was Birichinata." Crimson Bug  said as she played with her yo-yo.

"I've been wondering, Nightbird. You think I might be a good holder for the Robin Miraculous?" Cat Noir asked.

"Depends. I mean, we both wield sticks as our main weapon." I replied as I twirled my escrima.

Golden Leopard thought for a moment and snapped her fingers.

"How about the next time we encounter an akuma, we swap miraculous and see if we can use each other's powers? After that, we swap back."

"That sounds like a great idea! It would be nice to have claws again!" Crimson Bug beamed.

"I always wonder how the yo-yo works." Golden Leopard chuckled.

Juleka POV

I sat on my vanity and started fiddling with my bangs. Luka started playing a happy tune when I uncovered my face, then a disheartened tune when I covered it.

"Don't you wanna be a model anymore?" He asked.

"I do. But, no one would pick me." I replied.

Luka strums his guitar, "Have you tried talking to Gloria and Chloe about your idea?"

"I don't want to bother them."

Luka walks over to me, You're really pretty, Jule. I'm sure Gloria and Chloe would love to have you as a model." he clips my bags back with a hair clip, "You gotta follow your dreams in life. Don't let 'em pass you by. You were made for this. Now, go for it."

I smiled.

"Thanks, Luka."

Timeskip (After School)

Aaron POV

We sat on the steps with Kalianna, Ryder, Chloe, Gloria and I as we planned our website.

"Any idea what we do now that we have free time?" I asked.

"We should use this extra time to make that video for Kalianna's  soon to be website to display her fashion pieces!" Chloe said.

"Not a bad idea. The problem is that we need a model and a cameraman."  Kalianna replied.

"Jessica can take camera duty." I suggested.

 "Great. Now, we need someone for our model." Chloé looks over the crowd of people in the courtyard, "Someone who can look good in anything."

"Have you tried asking the other girls?" Ryder asked.

Gloria thinks to herself, "They each bring their own style and they could model if I have any designs in the future that pertain to them. Right now, I'm working on something that's...mysterious."

"That kinda describes you, girl." Kalianna said.

Gloria  chuckled.  "My work at the moment is inspired by a friend of mine who went to an old school with me. She loved poetry and was a big fan of Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft."

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