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I was currently in bed scrolling through my phone waiting for my mom to get home so I could ask if she could sign my form, I was debating if I could forge it but decided not to. 'Should I even go? I wouldn't have any friends to be with me, unless you count Aiden as a friend which I don't even know if he is".

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the front door opening, getting up and grabbing the sheet from my desk I opened my door and headed down stairs, I heard talking which wasn't unusual but I got confused when I heard another voice.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I was greeted with the sight of my mother with some guy. "Oh! M/n, didn't know you'd be home so early" "I'm home the same time every day" I say looking at the ground trying not to make eye contact with the random guy who seems to be confused on who I am.

"Who is that?" I say looking over at him then back to my her. "He's a work friend, now what do you want" 'Oh suree, just a work friend' "can you sign this?" I say holding out the form.

"What is it for?" She asked while taking the form from my hand looking over it "it's a field trip form nothing big" i say trying to stop her from asking questions "Where are you going?" I groan annoyed "It's to Savannah, now can you just sign it" she grabs a pen from her bag and finally signs it 'Finally, only took her a million years'.

She hands it back to me and I run back upstairs to my room happy to spend a week away from this hell whole. Placing the form back on my desk I huff and lay on my bed thinking about what to do. It's only 3:24 so I think about what I should do. 'hmmm maybe I could draw? Nah id get bored, ohh I know!'.

I get up and grab my skateboard going out of my room, I hear noises coming from my mom's room. 'Eww at least tell me first so I can leave!' I cringe heading down stairs. Going outside feeling the nice air getting my shoes on, 'man i kinda miss the feeling of skateboarding, haven't done it in a while'.

Skating down the sidewalk I was bumped into something and fell over "What-" "Ow-" I looked over and saw the guy from our group. The one with glasses and looked like a puppy, I think his name was Logan? "Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention!" Getting and putting my hand out for him to grab.

"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention either" "Aren't you in my group, Logan was it?" Looking up/down at him as he fixes his glasses. "Oh yea I am, your M/n right?" "Mhm" I say shaking my head. I feel something dripping down my leg and look down, my eyes widen when I see a gash on my leg that's bleeding pretty bad.

'How did I not notice that before, it hurts like crazy!?' Logan follows my eyes and notices the wound. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY!?" "I think so, it hurts pretty bad though" "it looks bad,let me take you to my grandparents shop it's right around the corner, if that's okay?"

"Oh sure, thanks for the help" I smiled when I noticed some dirt on his face "you got some dirt on your face" "where?" "Here" I say pointing to the spot on my face. He wipes his face trying to get it off "did I get it?" "No, here let me" I lean in wiping the smudge off his face.

Leaning back I realized that was probably not the best thing to do because now he's all red. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get in your space" I look at the ground feeling a bit embarrassed 'man that was the most embarrassing thing I've done'. "I-its fine" "we should probably get going, the sun is starting to set" 'i didn't realize i was out for so long, it only felt like an hour'. "Right" he helps me stabilize my leg as we start heading to his shop.

HII, sorry for the very late post, I've been so unmotivated to write anything but here is the next chapter!! The reader is Bi hope u don't mind, I'm not sure if I'm gonna ship you with anyone but you all can decide if so and who you want to be with!
It's a bit shorter than I wanted, hope u don't mind:)

Have a good night/day! :D

Word Count:800

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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