Chapter 5

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My first day back at the library after dad's passing was one of quiet resolve. Though the loss still weighs heavy on my mind, I'm coming to terms with this new chapter - one working through my newfound orphan status and where my finances are... abundant. As I walked into work, my stride felt surer than it had in weeks. And at lunch, I ordered a burrito with the guacamole that costs extra without a second thought. This workday marked a turning point, a subtle shift toward rebuilding a new normal.

With each book I checked out, a sense of freedom washed over me. I could become whoever I wanted without worrying about money or dealing with the consequences of my father. I was free to forge my own path and build a family of friends who cared for me. Ivy already felt like the sister I never had. Though we lacked blood ties, our bond was forged from love and friendship. My life was an open book I could write however I pleased.

I glanced up from my desk with a bright smile as the sweet elderly lady placed her book stack in front of me. "Good morning! Have you read any of these before?" I asked, noticing the worn covers and dog-eared pages.

"Oh, my dear, whenever I need a pick-me-up, these books are like a warm hug," she said in her gentle, lullaby voice. Her kind eyes crinkled at the corners and her soft grin felt as cozy as fresh baked cookies.

I picked up Anne of Green Gables and hugged it close. "This one's always been my favorite," I confessed, feeling a rush of bookish camaraderie. The elderly woman chuckled. "I do enjoy visiting old friends through the pages. Books are the best medicine, aren't they?" I nodded, still smiling. Chatting over beloved stories was a simple joy. With a friendly squeeze of her hand, I checked out the stack, already looking forward to our next literary rendezvous.

I still remember the first time I cracked open the worn cover of Anne of Green Gables and met my kindred spirit, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. As an orphan myself - my mother gone and my father a hollow shell of the man I once knew - I saw my own reflection in Anne's hungry eyes. We were both redheaded girls forged in the fires of grief, our hearts still soft and open despite the cruelty of an uncaring world.

Oh, how I cherished that book, its pages creased and smudged from the countless nights I burrowed under my covers, flashlight in hand, and lost myself in the technicolor haven of Anne's Avonlea. The wind in the aged tree outside my window became the whisper of the Lake of Shining Waters. My lumpy mattress transformed into the rolling green hills of Prince Edward Island. And my little room expanded into a home filled with love, laughter, and the beauty of possibility.

With each visit to Green Gables, I found the strength to face another day. Anne taught me it was okay to dream, even when the world said it wasn't. She showed me that kindness and imagination can blossom even in the darkest of places. And she gave me hope that one day, I too might find a true home.

As the sweet old lady gathered her books to leave, I realized that Sam stood behind her in line to checkout.


My heart thundered in my chest as he approached the desk without any books in hand. "C-can I help you find something?" I stammered, cursing myself for sounding like such a nervous wreck. Why did he have to be so distractingly hot?

His amused smile only made my knees weaker. There was a genuine warmth in his eyes that told me he was truly happy to see me. "Oh, no. That's ok," he said, leaning in slightly and making my pulse race faster. "I'm here to see you."

I could feel my cheeks flush as I struggled to maintain my composure. His presence was overwhelming in the best possible way, and I could barely put two words together in his company. No more fumbling over my words or letting my nerves get the best of me. When those dazzling eyes meet mine, I'll stand tall. This is a new era - the start of a bolder, more confident me. I'm done playing it safe. It's time to take chances and put myself out there. A surge of resolve flowed through me as I decided to embrace this adventure. What's life without a little risk? I'm ready to find out. I'll play along.

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