Chapter 6

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The next day at work seemed to crawl by as I busied myself shelving book returns and helping patrons find even the most obscure titles tucked away in the stacks. I could barely contain my excitement for my evening with Sam, constantly glancing at the clock, willing the hands to move faster. My palms were sweaty as I tried to focus on the returned books in front of me. But my thoughts kept drifting to him - that adorable, lopsided grin flashing through my mind. I remembered our playful back-and-forth, the butterflies I felt. The more I fantasized, the more nervous I became. What if I made a fool of myself? It had been ages since my last date. Would I even remember how to flirt? My mind raced through every possible scenario, each one making me more anxious, but my heart continued to flutter as I pictured seeing him again. The day dragged on and on, but finally my shift ended, and I rushed home to get ready, giddy with excitement for the night ahead.

I smiled as I unlocked my apartment door to find Ivy already inside, snuggling with Byrdie on the couch. My cat's purrs filled the room as Ivy gently scratched under her chin, Byrdie's favorite spot. Moments like this remind me how lucky I am that Ivy has a key to my place. Coming home to find my best friend and my fuzzy companion warms my heart.

"Yay, you're finally back!" Ivy squeals, popping up from her seat and shoving a glass of delicious sweet red wine into my hand. "I picked out a bunch of cute outfits for you - even brought some of my own for you to try!" She eagerly seizes my arm, hauling me down the hallway in her exhilaration to play dress-up. "Quick, quick, hop in the shower and shave EVERYTHING!" She exclaims, her voice overflowing with eagerness as she tugs me into the bedroom.

Barely catching my breath, I manage to sputter, "Everything? Do you really think it'll go that far, Ives?"

"Wouldn't you rather be prepared just in case?" Ivy takes a swig of her wine and plops down on my bed, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of outfits spanning every inch of space, ripe for trying on.

With an agreeable shrug, I head off to the shower and do exactly as I was told. There's something about an everything shower that's so transformative. Lathering myself from head to toe, I'm struck by the ritual's effect. The silky feeling of my skin awakens my sensuality and I can't help but hope that Sam will appreciate my effort. A blush rises to my cheeks as I imagine his fingertips tracing my curves, my body coming alive under his touch.

I emerge from the bathroom enveloped in the comforting embrace of a freshly warmed towel - one that Ivy, in her infinite kindness, had tossed in the dryer just for me. "Ivy, I don't know how to thank you enough for this," I manage to get out, my voice catching ever so slightly. Her simple act of compassion threatens to undo me completely, as gratitude wells up within my heart. I'm so blessed by her friendship. She has no idea what she means to me.

Ivy flashes me a warm smile. "There's no need for waterworks, girl!" she says, giving my shoulder an affectionate squeeze. Her voice bubbles with infectious optimism. "We'll have you looking sensational in no time. You can thank me later. After you guys bang."

With mock embarrassment, I gasp and give her a playful shove. Ivy displays a conspiratorial wink, and reaches for another towel and begins gently patting my hair dry. "Just trust me on this one," she assures me. "By the time we're done here, he won't be able to keep his eyes off you. Or his hands!"

I feel myself begin to relax as her upbeat energy washes over me. Ivy always knows how to lift my spirits when self-doubt creeps in. "If you say so! Let's do this!" Knocking back the remainder of my wine, I can't help but smile as I open my lingerie drawer. My fingers caress the delicate lace of my favorite black bra. Gingerly taking it into my hands, I look back over to my friend and ask, "Don't you think it's time we have some fun with this little thing?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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