Chapter 1

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A man stepped through the grand entrance of Alfea, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the magical aura that permeated the air

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A man stepped through the grand entrance of Alfea, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the magical aura that permeated the air. The sprawling grounds and magnificent architecture spoke volumes about the prestigious school of magic he had been invited to teach at.

However, as he made his way further into the heart of the school, he quickly became aware of the curious glances and whispers that followed his every move. It seemed that news of his arrival had spread like wildfire, and he couldn't help but feel a tad self-conscious under the scrutiny of so many eyes.

Nevertheless, he remained composed as he followed Griselda, the stern-faced Head of Discipline at Alfea, through the maze-like corridors towards the head office. Griselda, though initially brusque, softened somewhat as she showed him around, explaining the various facilities and classrooms along the way.

Finally, they reached the imposing doors of the head office, and Griselda knocked firmly before ushering him inside. The room was spacious and elegantly furnished, with bookshelves lining the walls and a large desk at the far end where Miss Faragonda, the headmistress of Alfea, sat.

"Ah, Mr. Smith, welcome to Alfea," Miss Faragonda greeted warmly, rising from her seat to shake Ethan's hand. "We are delighted to have you join us."

He returned the gesture with a polite smile, feeling a surge of gratitude at the headmistress's welcoming demeanor." Please call me Ethan, Miss Faragonda." He said and she smiled at him." Well I am happy that you have accepted our invitation to be a teacher here. I believe your expertise will be invaluable in preparing our students for any challenges they may face," she concluded.

Ethan nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of purpose stir within him. He was eager to share his knowledge and help empower the young fairies of Alfea to defend themselves against any threats that may arise.

"The school schedule is ready, and your class should be waiting in the classroom as you volunteered to start teaching as soon as you arrive. While you're teaching, someone will take care of putting your belongings in your dorm room," Miss Faragonda informed him.

He smiled gratefully and replied, "Thank you, Miss Faragonda. I won't disappoint you, and I'll make sure my students are well-prepared for graduation." With that, he stood up, shook her hand, and left.

Ethan walked out of her office before looking at his schedule. He looked around at the door numbers before finally seeing his class. As he entered the spacious training room allotted to him, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of meeting his students and sharing his gifts with them.

The freshmen soon filed in, their eyes widening with curiosity as they took in the sight of their new instructor. Ethan greeted them warmly, his easy charm putting them at ease as he began to outline the goals of his class.

"Welcome class. My name is Professor Smith and I will be your teacher for this year." he declared, his gaze sweeping across the classroom. The majority of the girls were utterly spellbound by his presence, their infatuated gazes revealing their admiration.

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