Food 4 Thought

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   There was a slow thump in Ville's ears, a thump that matched a second rhythm in his chest. He took a slow deep breath in and opened his eyes, and immediately felt nauseous. This felt familiar, and he momentarily questioned if he was hung over. He moved only his eyes, inspecting the bright white room and within seconds remembered he wasn't home. Flashes of what had happened earlier ran through his mind and his stomach flopped. A sigh escaped him as he realized he was still in the hospital. He cautiously sat up on the bed trying to gauge his current physical state, the thump in his ears growing louder as his heartbeat sped up.

His gaze fell on the empty bedside table, then he glanced around the room searching for something to distract him from his pounding headache and the urgent need to throw up. The door to his room swung open, revealing a familiar figure in a white nurse's gown . Liz approached him with a gentle smile, but her smile quickly faded as she noticed Ville covering his mouth to keep something from coming out

"Let me walk you to the restroom?" she soothed,her voice soft and reassuring.

"I need to puke..."He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed as he told her about his nausea and the need to use the bathroom. "It's alright, this is just withdraws okay?" she said, her expression understanding. "I'll help you get up." The nurse placed a supportive arm around his shoulders and guided him to the bathroom, making sure he didn't stumble along the way. Ville began to walk slowly, but then dashed to the toilet as he felt something quickly coming up, leaving Liz behind. He dropped to the floor like a heavy sack of potatoes, and slouched over the toilet violently vomiting pale yellow colored fluid.

He heaved and coughed for what seemed like an eternity, before finally managing to catch his breath. The nurse knelt down beside him, gently rubbing his back as he wiped his mouth with the back of his sweater sleeve. "It might be like this for a while." she said softly, her voice barely audible over the thumping in his ears. "I'll get you some water and your medication. Dr. Xander's wants to start you on something that will wean you off the drugs"

"Please..." Ville whispered, his voice hoarse from the violence of his retching. "I just want to go home. I need a smoke and a brewski." Liz nodded, watching his hands shake while he slumped by the toilet. "I know this isn't easy, but you're going to leave this place clean." She helped him to his feet and slowly led him back to the bed, where she helped him get comfortable once again. Ville shook and scratched his scalp anxiously."Just one drink, darling. Or a cigarette, Please". He begged the empathetic nurse, giving her a frightened and desperate look. His eyes glistened and Liz felt them pierce her soul. She stared at him quietly, suddenly feeling like smuggling a cigarette and a beer, for this broken angel.

Liz opened her mouth to speak but found herself torn between her duty and her desire to help him. She questioned her ethics and morals and stared into his eyes blankly. Stumped. He was covered in sweat and his skin looked pasty.The thumping in his ears grew louder as he felt a surge of desperation wash over him. He looked at Liz pleadingly, his eyes filled with pain and anguish. "Please, Liz," he whispered. "I can't do this. I don't want to do this. Please don't make me. I feel so sick."

The nurse continued to stare at him and felt an odd sensation when Ville uttered her name in his deep voice, which was laced with a hint of fry and desperation. The singer's pleading gaze broke through Liz's resolve, making her unable to deny him.

"Fine." She uttered blinking slowly. "I'll see what I can do, but you can't tell anyone about this or it's trouble for the both of us." Ville's expression brightened momentarily before it turned to one of fear. "Just do what I say." Liz warned, her voice low and serious. "I'll be right back. Try to stay calm. If another one of the nurses comes in just tell them you're okay." Ville nodded quickly and with that, the nurse left the room, her steps growing quieter until they were no longer audible. Alone once again, Ville closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing. The thumping in his ears seemed to grow louder, almost drowning out the sounds of the hospital around him. He couldn't help but wonder what Liz was doing and if she would really come back with what he needed. His fingers twitched anxiously, longing for the comfort of a cigarette and a cold beer, wine, whiskey. Anything that would take away these terrible aches and shakes.

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