Birth of Beau / Milking the Situation Act 4

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Pt.4 Act 4 (A Plot)
"Good afternoon, Darren. How's Caleb doing?" Adam asked as he stepped inside, expecting to see the expectant father.

Darren greeted Adam with a warm smile. "Caleb's doing well, thank you for asking. But today, we actually need your expertise for Alex," he explained, leading Adam towards the kitchen where Alex was waiting.

Adam's brows furrowed in confusion. "For Alex? Is everything alright?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

Darren nodded, his expression serious. "Not exactly. Alex has been experiencing some unusual symptoms with his pecs. They've been leaking milk and causing him pain," he explained, his worry evident.

Adam's concern deepened as he followed Darren into the kitchen, where Alex was waiting. "Alex, how are you feeling?" he asked, his tone gentle as he approached.

Alex offered Adam a weak smile. "I've been better, Adam. My pecs have been leaking milk uncontrollably, and it's been quite painful," he admitted, his voice tinged with discomfort.

Adam nodded understandingly, his professional demeanor kicking in. "Let's take a look and see what's going on," he said, moving closer to examine Alex's pecs.

As Adam began his examination, Alex couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence. Despite the unusual circumstances, he trusted Adam to provide the care and guidance they needed. And as they awaited Adam's diagnosis, Alex hoped they would soon find answers to his mysterious symptoms.


"Alex, I'm going to need a sample of the liquid for testing," Adam said respectfully, preparing to examine the situation more closely.

Alex nodded, a slight grimace crossing his face as he gently squeezed his right pec, causing the milk to flow into a cup. His tail twitched in response to the discomfort, a reaction that didn't go unnoticed by Adam.

Adam watched in slight shock as the cup filled and overflowed, but he quickly regained his composure, reminding himself to remain professional. "Thank you, Alex. That should be enough for testing," he said, taking the cup from Alex's hand.

As Adam prepared to analyze the sample, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He hoped that Adam would be able to provide some insight into his mysterious symptoms and offer a solution to alleviate his discomfort. And as they awaited the results, Alex held onto the hope that they would soon find answers.


After studying the liquid, examining its color, consistency, and smell, Adam returned to Alex, Darren, and Caleb with his findings.

"Alex, I've analyzed the liquid, and it appears that you're simply lactating," Adam explained, his tone reassuring. "Your milk is fresh, creamy, and extremely potent. It also contains lots of nutrients that will be essential for your child's development."

Alex let out a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "So, I'm just lactating?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

Adam nodded. "Yes, that's correct. It's a natural physiological response, especially given the changes your body has been experiencing," he confirmed.

Adam reached into his bag and retrieved a bottle of pills. "I'm also prescribing you these pills to help ease the discomfort," he said, handing the bottle to Alex.

Alex accepted the pills gratefully, offering Adam a thankful smile. "Thank you, Adam. I really appreciate your help and expertise," he said sincerely.

Adam smiled warmly. "Of course, Alex. If you have any further concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm here to support you throughout this journey," he said before bidding them farewell and leaving.

As Adam departed, Alex couldn't help but feel grateful for his reassurance and guidance. With the pills to ease his discomfort and Adam's expertise to rely on, Alex felt more confident as they continued on their pregnancy journey.

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