Chapter I: My True Feelings...

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(A.N: I headcanon Fanny as autistic, and as someone who has autism, this may or may not be a 'complicated' story. This will probably have X (10) chapters. This is objectified, but with human-like qualities, so yeah. And it's a school themed story.)

Fanny's P.O.V:

"I hate this! I hate this!" I hissed at myself. I can't believe that my parents thought that I was 'ready' for public school, I hate public school! I'm a literal target to bullies and popular girls everywhere! T-They'll see me as the weird kid, o-or that one quiet kid...

I did not hate my old school. At least they understand. Well, on the bright side, at least I'm not taking the bus.

"We're here!" I got out of my dad's car. "Why can't I go back to my other school?" I asked my dad, not knowing the main reason why. "At your old school, you were at the top of your grade, and you've gotten smarter since our last encounter, and your behavior has improved impressively! Plus, maybe you'll find your special someone~" My dad teased. He met my mom when they were in 8th or 9th grade. "Just because you guys met around in high school, that doesn't mean I will," I scoffed as my dad just chuckled softly. "Don't worry dear. All jokes aside, you'll have your specialist with you every two weeks as usual, but if you ever get bullied, both physically and emotionally, tell me right away. Got it?

"Yes sir!" My dad is a pretty goofy, yet protective father. I'm really lucky to have him! school. More changes...not my style. But oh well. I entered my school, and there were barely any students there. Mainly because school doesn't start for the next 45 minutes or so. I hate being late, so I usually get to my school early before the rush hour begins. I grabbed my schedule with my name 'Fanny Blades' labeled on top, and went on a hunt to find my classroom. " 35Z...where are you?" I spoke to myself. If there was ever an empty location, I would always talk to myself. The only person who gets me

"If I get a head start in finding my homeroom, then I'll be able to check the mainframe for accessible purposes-" I talked and blabbered to myself. It's kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. Then I heard footsteps. W-Was it a teacher? Another student? Okay, I'm booking it out of here! I wrapped my schedule around my cord as I was sprinting away, thinking that I was caught. By talking to myself? Yeah, I was always in my head.


"OWCH! Watch where you're going!!!" I yelled. When I opened my eyes, I was just staring at the person who bumped into me, she was picking up some notebooks that fell off from her. They were all spiral notebooks, one was purple with 70 pages, the other was green with 120, then a yellow one with 100 pages, and one filled with random stickers that you can buy in any local dollar store. My normal grouchy anger dimmed down when I was looking at her, and my heart started to beat faster than normal. I blinked a few times to see if I was dreaming. Nope. I-I can't believe it...I thought this would never happen. No way. She. Was-

"Oh my goish, I'm so sorriy! D-Do yoiu need some help?" The bubble girl asked. Her accent was...something. Heh, it's kinda cute-wait...what am I saying?! I shook my head and helped myself up. A-And may or may not gave back her notebook filled with stickers.

"I'm so so so sorriy! I didn't mean to bump into yoiu!" The bubble girl apologized. Now normally I would say something like 'It's fine, just don't do it again,' but just by her look, appearance, voice, and personality, I knew that she was a good way. "It's okay. N-No need to apologize. I-I'm sorry for s-snapping at you.." My voice trailed off along with my eyes. I'm not the best with eye contact..

"O-Oh! Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm not that great at talking to you- I-I MEAN other people...shoot!" I slapped my face with my cord, still holding onto my schedule, as I was hiding my completely flustered face. I felt my blades turn on to a low as the propellers started to spin around in a counter-clockwise motion.

"Wait a second!" The bubble girl snatched my schedule out of my cord, leaving my blades to a screeching halt. "Foinny Blaoides?! That's your name?!" The bubble girl asked with a surprised tone. "Y-Yeah?" Because of her accent, she mispronounced my name. But I paid no attention, knowing for the fact that she sounded surprised. "You're the one who made 1st place in an art contest back in kindergarten, and you're in all of my classes!" Wait, huh?! "Don't you remember me? I'm Bubble! Your little companion?!" Then it hit me. OH MY GOD, HOW DID I FORGET! She was one of my only closest childhood friends, but she had to transfer schools in a different country after being in kindergarten for roughly 5 months.

"Oh my gosh! It's been so long! How've you been?" "Gooid, gooid! I've been living in Yoyleland for so lonig that I've enouintered this accoint." "Heh, well I...don'" Good job, Fanny. "Oh thoink yoiu! I was afraid that you'll hate me..." "Nah, you're good. So, can you direct me to 35Z, please?" "Gladly!"

Huh, maybe this school isn't so bad after all. I went inside to my homeroom and spotted my classmates. (Homeroomates)

. Match

. Pencil

. Snowball

. Lightning

. Ruby

. And of course Bubble and I.

Our homeroom teacher is X. And all we did was chill. Bubble and I chatted and catched up. Turns out, I missed her more than granted. I mostly just listened to her and her ramble. It was really swe-

No. No. Nononono. NO! I do not like her. Nope! A-And she doesn't like me. END OF STORY!

"Bubble is, like, talking to that new girl, like, too much" I heard someone whispered. I turned around to see a girl about to uncup her hands from another girl. It was Match. "Ugh. What are you, like, looking at, freak?" Oof. She sounds irritated.

"Matchie! Doin't be mean to my froind!" Bubble defended with her very adorable accent.

"Wait-you know her?" Pencil asked.

"Yes I doi. She's the girl I was telling yoiu about."


Umm. What was that about? Oh well, I didn't bother to ask. We were getting used to our classes, and I have Bubble in every. Single. Class.




Cool I guess.

[To be Continued...]

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