Chapter V: ASD = Intelligence?

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(A.N: ASD is short for Autistic Spectrum Disorder, by the way. Enjoy this chapter! P.S: WHY ARE MY PARAGRAPHS SO LONG, THE FRICK–)

Fanny's P.O.V:

After homeroom, we have Professor Five's computer lab class. Ugh, I hate computer labs! Last year our computers at my old school were extremely faulty. I also hate broken computers! As I was walking in to find two empty seats for me and Bubble, I felt someone approaching me, and it was no other than Lightning. "Fanny! What happened back there with you and Pencil? Judging by the rumors, things were pretty heated back there," That's the 2,763rd time someone asked me that stupid question. "Just because we became friends yesterday, that doesn't mean I have to tell you about my business the next day!" I snapped at him with half of my anger. At first, Lightning's expression was distraught, but slowly changed to slight anger, yet most understanding. "Oh, you don't trust me well enough, yet? If that's what you wish, then alright. I won't bother you, unless you're free to talk to me about it. I'm so sorry, and you're right. We have to earn each other's trust. So, uh, see you later, I guess."

Phew! Glad he understands. I found two open seats near the wall in the middle row. I directed Bubble to the open seats and we sat next to each other. On Bubble's free side was her cousin, Snowball. On my free side was Lightning, looking pretty down. Did I go too far? I felt a pretty small, yet noticeable guilt inside my fan-like body. I feel I should apologize to him. He was just looking out for me, and I yelled at him for that... "Lightning? About what happened earlier, I'm sorry–" I was cut off by Lightning who covered my mouth with his hands, "Hey, hey, don't worry about it! You're so right, we just met yesterday, and I shouldn't have been so nosy. Good friendships and alliances take time, so is trust. I apologize for my actions and no worries, really!" And he turned to face his computer. I gave myself a good 2 minutes to process what Lightning said to me. 'Good friendships and alliances take time, so is trust.' Hmm, well said dude!

"Good morning, my freshmen scholars! My name is Professor Five, some of you might know me from last year at this school's end-of-the-year prom night, or our after-finals talent show. Yes, I was the host of both of those events. We're going to take our state pre-test. Now, this test will not impact your grades, but it'll stay on your report cards and your records. This test is supposed to tell us where you are right now, and if you need some extra help, or you're ready for advanced classes. Since today is Tuesday, you all have now until Friday to finish. Now remember these rules for this week's state test, no phones allowed, no notebooks with notes in them, if you want, you get some scratch paper, and no asking for help. Remember, this is to figure out where you are, and how we can help. It's okay to struggle as well, some questions might be harder than others. Take your time. This test will cover Math, English, and maybe a bit of other subjects in the mix. There will be a few sophomore-related questions to really test you, but if you don't know them, that's also okay! Now, then, any questions before I give you the session code?"

All of us shook our heads, and Professor Five gave us our codes and we started our state pre-tests. "Question I: Solve: 4 (5x – 8) + 9/4 = 57x + 84" Are you kidding me?! I hate tests! Ugh, okay, okay—let's see...if I do the work here...and use distributive property...then the answer is -3.07! (A.N: I'm obsessed with roman numerals lol, also don't believe me? Do the work yourself and you'll get a fraction, turn it into a repeating decimal and you'll get -3.07.) It's only been half an hour and I'm already on question LXII (62). And...I finished. Pretty quickly too. I pushed my wheelie chair back a bit and sighed in both relief and exhaustion. The rules of passing were if I get a 266 or higher at my exile score, I pass, and if I get 273 or higher, then I pass in an advanced way. Professor Five got a notification from his computer saying that I finished my test. With 20 minutes to spare. "Okay, Ms. Blades, let's see your score!" Professor Five said while sipping his cup of coffee, and so I clicked on a green box to see my score.

'Congratulations, your score for this Pre-Test is 395! Fanny A. Blades has passed both 9th grade and 10th grade, and even 11th grade material! They should be ready for 12th grade now!' Professor Five spat out his coffee in shock. I-I got the highest way. "Y-YOU GOT 395?!" Professor Five asked. Looks like I did. Both Bubble and Lightning looked at my screen and their reactions were the same. "Wow! Great job, Fanny! You're super smart!" Lightning complimented me. I just rolled my eyes in sarcasm, and suddenly EVERYBODY was staring at my screen and giving me compliments. I still can't believe it, looks like the summer school studying wasn't that bad at all. "W-Wow, how's that possible, Foinny?" Bubble asked me, with an impressionate look in her eyes. "I don't know, honestly. It's just...clicks. And I find my answer there, I-I don't know, it's hard to explain," I chuckled it off. "Okay, okay, everyone back to your seats! Ms. Blades, you have free time now, so you can use the computer or something, but not your phone," Professor Five stated. And so, since I didn't have my sketchbook, because of...y'know, I played around with the computer.

Bubble's P.O.V:

Wow...Fanny got a 395?! In 9th grade?! She's really smart! "Looks like we got a nerd in class!" Snowball whispered to me. I rolled my eyes and said, "Yoiu have NOI RIGHT to call her that!" I whisper yelled back. "Ugh, fine! I'll spare your girlfriend," Snowball smirked at me. My face started to turn pink a bit. I tried to open my mouth, but he stopped me. "And don't even try to deny it. It's been obvious, ever since you met her in kindergarten. You didn't even care if she had autism or not, you loved her, because she's her. And you can't deny that baby cousin~" He teased, and all I did was softly punch him in the elbow. "J-Just finish yoiur test." He went back facing the computer to resume his test. I still couldn't believe she's that smart. It's actually pretty sexy-





Why am I like this?!

[To be continued...]

(A.N: Terribly sorry for a short chapter! -Era 💙)

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