Chapter IV: True Colors Shine On

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Bubble's P.O.V:

(A.N: Wow, first time using Bubble's P.O.V in this story?! That's a first. I'm not indenting for this-)

I finished my study (And crying) session with Fanny and had dinner with her family. She knew I wasn't eating well, so without anyone looking, she shoved a chicken leg in my mouth. "Eat." She sternly said. I chewed and swallowed the chicken and she fed me another. Dinner lasted for half an hour until it was time to sleep. Fanny has a bunk bed, for some reason, so she slept in the bottom while I was at the! My first night...a-away from my parents. My inner thoughts are practically the only 'normal' thing about me. No more speaking in that...weird and disgusting accent.

I opened up my bag to grab a picture frame that has both my mom and dad with me in the middle. I still can't believe that I wore braces in kindergarten! I held my picture close to my chest as I drifted myself to sleep.




Morning came in and instead of the sun, we were greeted with cloudy skies and tiny drops of rain. "I hate morning rain!" Fanny deadpanned to the sky. We were waiting for Mr. Propeller Blades to pull up his car for school, but from what he heard in the distance from the driveway was VRRR. VRRRR. PUT PUT PUT...


"Son of a– HONK!" I heard Fanny's dad yell from outside. I looked over at Fanny, who was slightly ticked off. I placed my hand on her head and patted it up and down pretty slowly. She immediately glanced up in shock, probably because it was so sudden. I softly smiled at her and gave her five more pats until her dad came out of the car with bad news and a piece of paper.

"Okay, I may or may not have forgotten to rechange my oil, so it looks like you girls are taking the bus," Mr. Propeller said dejectedly. "Didn't I remind you last week to change it?" Fanny scowled at her dad. He was shaking and went down on his knees (In a joking matter), "Oh, I'm sorry my princess~, would you please forgive your old man, your dear father, please?" He winked while Fanny was blushing out of embarrassment, and I couldn't help but laugh. She reluctantly sighed in frustration and said, "Fine. We'll take the bus, but you better get it changed, okay?" He gave her a nod and we followed our bus stop address that was written on the paper.

"Looks like we're here," Fanny said as she scouted the area. Moments later, the bus pulled up at our stop, and we got in, only to see one student... Match.

"Bubble!" Match waved and patted her seat. Signaling me to sit next to her. After what you said yesterday?! You just had to have the audacity to 'smile' at me? I turned to Fanny in fear, while shaking my head multiple times. Thankfully, she got the hint. She wrapped her chord around me and whispered, "We're sitting in the back, away from her," so we sat on the back. I even let Fanny sit in the window seat while I was next to her.

I can feel her staring at me. She even tweeted something saying, "Like, my best friend isn't talking to me. Insecure much about being swollen or something?" Yes, yes I am! I am extremely insecure about my body, the way I walk, the way I talk, everything! I wanted to say that, but I know that it won't end well.

30 minutes later and we finally arrived at school. There were so many students, to the point where I lost Fanny. "Foinny?! Foinny where are yoiu?!" After turning around the third time, I found her hiding inside a bush, crying?! "Foinny! What hoippened?! D-Did yoiu fall and hurt yoiuself?!" I tried to give her a quick hug to calm her down, but she was shaking violently.

"T-To loud...a-and crowded-" she squeaked as she was hiding her face and trying to fight back her tears. I searched through my bag and found my noise cancellation headphones. Without wasting another second, I placed them on Fanny's head and played the song 'New Rules' by Dua Lipa into the headphones. Which calmed Fanny down a lot. Thank you pop queen!

We got into our homeroom and immediately sat in the back to avoid suspicion from wanted popular girls. I still can't believe that she'll stay with me, a-and here I thought I made a bad impression. I hugged Fanny and said, "Thanks for staying."

Fanny smiled back. OH MY BUBBLE BLOWER HER SMILE IS SO ADORABLE! "No worries," and she got back to drawing. I always wondered what she's drawing, it's kinda always a mystery. Even back in kindergarten, I remember she would show the rest of our classmates, but not me. Even though I was her best friend... (Sighs) I wish we weren't just friends.

"There she is!" Yelled a very familiar voice. Oh no–

"Why didn't you, like, sit next to me on the bus?!" Match scowled at Bubble with Pencil coming from behind, "What's going on with you? Ever since your little gremlin of a friend came into this school, you've been distancing yourself from us. I. Need. Answers!" Pencil demanded as she slammed her fist against my table. I knew I had to defend myself. I haven't gotten it all figured out yet.

"Oi don't have to tell yoiu oinything!" I said with a weak trembling voice. Ugh, stupid accent. Pencil and Match looked at each other and roared with laughter. "Oh no~, s-should we, like, leave you alone?" Match mocked me. Followed by Pencil's disturbing comeback, "Geez, fine. Whatever you insecure brat. I can see why your parents left for that trip instead of declining to stay with you."

W-What did she just say about me? And my parents?! I felt my blood boil with anger and hatred for them. Fanny was also catching on and barked, "WELL AT LEAST SHE'S NOT DEALING WITH SEXUALLITY AND FAMILY ISSUES!" Pencil was taken aback. Match was walking over in shock. "You have, like, no right to talk, like, that to Pencil!" She angered us, but that was nothing compared to what Match finally said to Fanny. "News Flash buddy; At least we aren't mentally disabled freaks."

Fanny's P.O.V:

"At least we aren't mentally disabled freaks...freaks...freaks..." My heart shot in fear as Match's words echoed in my mind. The whole room went silent. There were other people in class like Ruby, Ice Cube, and Flower. They all had the exact same reaction. Shocked and disturbed.

"That's right! Fanny Aizenberg Blades is in the Autism Spectrum. Which means that she's sick! Mentally ill! She doesn't need friends, school, or anything! She sees the whole world differently, how can you see PLANET EARTH differently?! Are you a flat Earther? An atheist? You don't believe in god? What do you believe, huh?" Both Pencil and Match announced the whole class. I just froze in fear...I want this to end...

"Aww~, is the Asylum crying? She's finally feeling emotion!" Pencil teased as she snatched my sketchbook from my desk. "G-Give it back! Right now!" But it was too late. She saw my drawings...

"WOW! That's your art style?! Heh, my 5-year-old self can draw better than that trash!" And threw my sketchbook in the trash, and used one of Match's lighter to burn it. Right. Infront. Of. Me. Professor X witnessed this entire thing and immediately tried to stop it. He grabbed a fire extinguisher to try and put it out, but it was too late. My book is gone...

"Pencil Leading and Match Woodbark to the principal's office immediately! Bubble Foams and Fanny Blades, please stay here after class!" Professor X was at a loss of words. Same with me and Bubble. All of our classmates asked what happened, but we were instructed to not tell anyone. I felt like I was going to cry, which luckily Professor X noticed and sent me to the restroom with Bubble to accompany me with. Once we got in, I started to break down in tears. I-I couldn't hold it in anymore...

"I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM SO MUCH!" I sobbed as Bubble hugged me ever so tight. She too, was crying, "S-Sorry-" She hid her face behind me as she cried softly. I perked up, and tried to wipe her tears away with my chord. "Don't. You got it?" I tried to laugh, but I still feel like crying. She chucked and wiped my tears away as well. "Mhm!" There's that smile! I made the effort to suck it up and helped Bubble back up.

We entered back into the classroom and sat in our same spots as before. Professor X had a huge chat with Pencil, Match, Bubble, and I. Long story short, they got suspended for a whole month.




Finally they're gone! For now-

[To be continued...]

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