Smoking Bastard.

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"Oh- oh... god." I'd shudder, the pieces gluing themselves together in my terrified brain. Adam was a serial killer. The only person I truly trusted and admired. Adam, the perfect little angel, the man who helped me through all my rough times, the good, the bad, the terrible. HE was a serial killer. A cold-blooded, dirty-fingered, cannibalistic, gore-enjoying murderer. He was just as bad as the rest of the sadistic freaks in this hospital. Maybe worse.

What if he did this... to me?

Wait. He would. I know he would. Adam mentioned my name earlier when Carlson was alive... What did he mean by it? What the hell did he mean? I'd turn my attention back to the laptop screen. All of the jars, with the organs inside, each of the eyeballs were gray. Gray? My eyes were gray. It wasn't a very common eye color of course. I hadn't seen much more than five others who had my eye color at all in this life I've lived. Carlson had dark hair. He was pale, and scrawny looking. Adam mentioned how familiar Carlson looked to myself, how he'd had to die.

Oh. Oh no. I know what Adam is doing.

All the similarities, everything. Was Adam killing others that looked like me... to prevent his urges to kill me? It was a far-stretched resolution I'd met, but I was as brilliant as someone who'd just broken his brain with hard-core drugs in my current condition.

Adam would meet me at my door tomorrow, waiting to walk with me. He... he wouldn't strike then, would he? He's probably blown off steam from Carlson... does that mean I'm safe?

I'm so goddamn selfish. A man just got tortured to death, and I'm wondering if that's got Adam's attention long enough to spare me. Yeah, I'm selfish and I'll admit it. I'm just some worthless piece of trash that exists only because I haven't died. Maybe I'd die one day, but I'd like it to be quick; to get over it as soon as it started. I wouldn't want whatever Carlson endured... I couldn't handle that. I wouldn't want to be in agony for hours.

I'd close my laptop screen, my eyes scanning my surroundings as I lay backwards on my couch. My mind wandered its depths, adrenaline still coursing through myself, the recent scene replaying continuously throughout my mind. Maybe I'd imagined it. Maybe all of it was just a hallucination. Adam... he wouldn't do that, would he? It's just the stress getting to me, Adam wouldn't murder intentionally for sadistic pleasures. That was all it was, a hallucination. Just like Azel coming alive, this was just another hallucination that... lasted hours. Was my laptop real? Was the object resting on my thighs, a hallucination?

My palm reached forward, tentatively feeling my laptop. A cold surface, slick and smooth is what my finger's would feel. This was... certainly a realistic hallucination. I'd just sleep it off. Tomorrow, the-not-a-serial-killer Adam would meet me at my door because he was just a wonderful companion, and not a cold-blooded murderer... right? Right. Yeah, that's what would happen.

I'd breath profoundly, forcing my body to still, and the adrenaline to stop filling my mind with energy. I would simply sleep off this realistic hallucination, and everything would be joys and rainbows in the morning.

As an hour passed, my figure would fall into a peaceful trance as I'd drift off into the dream-world, my inhale and exhales coming in steady rhythms as my vision was surrounded by darkness.

My eyes were closed, my vision seeing only the darkness of my eyelids covering it like a curtain, when I heard a soft thump.

It was most likely my own heartbeat surely.

The thumps got closer, slowly matching with my own heartbeat, dully trying to convince myself that my heart was the source of the sounds, yet indeed it wasn't.

An outline of a large figure among the pitch black is what I'd observe, and I'd swiftly move myself off the couch, backwards into a defensive position.

"Who goes there?" My lips muttered, scanning the strip of shadow among the darkness with caution. It couldn't be him... It couldn't.

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