Backstory Part 1!

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His grasp came about, tugging myself closer, his smoke-filled breath clouding my nostrils, consequentially compelling myself to let out a tender cough. Instantaneously, the man was on top of me, his lips ravenously caressing my own, more so than anyone had ever done before. I'd let out an astonished grunt, before I'd lean into Adam. I certainly preferred this over torture.

He'd pull me to his lap, his grip seating my chest to his as my tied wrist's and leg's clumsily positioned themselves. He would snake his tongue roughly into the cave of my mouth, parting my lip's as he'd continue ravaging my face. It met my own, brushing desperately against mine, the two intertwining as saliva dripped from his and my own fervent mouths. He'd groan into me, the unearthly passion transcending all that I'd known before. Now it was all I knew.

I'd notice distinctly the soreness I had from the gag that'd been placed then removed earlier before in the same location. I'd ignored the distant sensation as Adam's brawny stature, ferrying my own slim one, treaded, then positioned myself on his own satin-sheeted mattress.

Adam had changed into a loosely fitted shirt after the laptop incident, though that didn't matter now because it wasn't staying on. He'd feverishly lift it from himself, his olive-toned sturdy frame visible once again. It was quite the contrast to my slim, pale own.

He'd pull my head to his shoulder, his canines clipping at my neck subtly. Mosquito-like marks would remain, his tongue moving constantly, swiftly exploring carnivorously. The cool feel gave my nerves goose feathers, and I'd shiver slightly. His touch would roam my bare torso roughly, reddish mark's left behind from his yearning grip.

I'd gasp, fidgeting against him as he'd continue, his rough palm everywhere at once. He'd pin my tied wrists against the bedframe, leaning against my smaller frame. 

Then, his mouth left my own, and he'd reach inside of his patterned shorts, removing the metallic gleaming object of which I'd remotely forgotten the presence of. The knife.

I'd jerk physically, seeming quite startled at its comeback. Adam brought a soothing finger towards my cheek, brushing it soothingly. "Terrence... it'll only hurt a little, I won't kill you though." His hand came forth again, the knife grasped securely in his palm. He'd shush me with a finger, slitting profoundly unto my chest, though not nearly close to being considered fatal. I'd grimace, breathing briskly at the newfound pain, blood streaming from its external mark.

Terrence's lips met my flesh, sipping the vital liquid that fell in quantities from its original residence, his slick tongue moving earnestly as he drank. It was both a pleasurable and painful experience for its victim, for the most part agonizing, though bearable with the help of Adam's tongue moving against the slit along my chest.

"God... you're delicious." Adam muttered earnestly, scarlet substance dripping from his chin, staining his subtle beard as his head returned to the gluttonous feeding, as if he was my infant I'd been nurturing. This was nowhere near the same experience however, obviously so.

His head was nuzzled against my chest, the messily patterned sandy-brown hair of his brushing my jaw slightly, its soft texture shifting slightly as he'd reposition his head incessantly to get the best of my insides, quite literally so.

"C-Couldn't you just do this normally...?" I'd inquire, my teeth clenched as the torment became slightly overbearing. Why wasn't I running away? Why wasn't I trembling anymore, begging him to stop? What kind of Stockholm Syndrome shit was this?

Adam made a muffled noise into my chest, my blood splattered across his skin while he did so, one that closely resembled a laugh. His head lifted slightly, his devilish pupils eyeing mine as he'd respond with a smirk. "No, I can't. You can deal with it, Teffy."

The word sent off an instant click inside my head, as if it was the keyword for a puzzle. The answer to a riddle. I knew that name... I recognized it now. I'd forgotten, even adapted to the mask over my body, and eventually forgot it was one.

I'd accommodated to such mortal's senses of empathy and forgiveness, familiarizing myself to the laws of society along the way. I had lost remembrance of myself throughout so, neglecting the memory of such an experience, shaping myself to fit in with your average being, though I wasn't one. How did Adam know this crucial piece about my true self, that I myself did not know?

My gaze stiffened, meeting his own. "How the hell do you know that nickname...?" I'd inquire, seeming cautious as Adam licked the remaining blood spatters from myself along his chin. It hurt like hell, but I really couldn't care less. Adam was possibly the only person who'd been my companion- and lived- in this place, serial killer or not, and now he seemed to me the most interesting individual I'd met in my few years upon this damned earth.

He'd innocently eye me back, responding softly. "What nickname?" His act would drop instantaneously, and he'd smirk, the innocence fading from his mask. "Alright- fine. Maybe I do know a little bit more than I should... you aren't so innocent yourself Terrence."

My pupils would eye him warily, my finger's twitching in their tied position. "Please keep whatever you know to yourself."

Adam would return with a dubious look, seeming to be pondering for a moment. "What really bothers me is why you haven't escaped from me. You know you could, you're surely able to overpower myself at any moment. That thin body of yours is nothing except a mask, and you know that, Teffy the Demon."

I froze for a moment, perhaps testing to see if I'd misheard. My thought process continued a split second later, rapacious for an explanation. "How are you aware of my full name, Adam Clark?" I'd inquire, my teeth clenching as I'd gaze towards him warily.

"I witnessed your summoning, dear, when you first arrived at this hospital...when they'd used you as a torture weapon." As I held eye contact between him for a soft moment, glancing away after a few moments, I'd notice sympathy. It was strange to find that kind of compassion in a being aware of my origins, suspicious of course.

( 1076 words :3) 😍😍😍😘😘😘

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